
Expand or start business in Brazil


I would like to know Why should international companies expand or start doing business in Brazil.

Do you think starting a business or expanding a business in Brazil help to improve the economy?

See also

Working in São PauloThe Brazilian labour marketFinding a job in BrazilInvest in BrazilInternships in Brazil

Well for anyone who is looking for permanency in Brazil that is not able to obtain it through marriage to a Braziian citizen or by having a child born in Brazil, there is absolutely no time like the present to invest in Brazil in order to achieve that end.

Without a doubt the VIPER Permanent Visa for Investors is the least bureaucratic of any to obtain outside of those mentioned above. The government has placed enormous pressure on the Ministério de Trabalho e Empregos - MTE to approve all applications for which the proper documents have been submitted.

With the constantly rising value of the US Dollar when compared to the Real, it becomes even cheaper for many individuals to meet the R$150 thousand minimum investment requirement. (currently UDS $37,500). That's less than the price of most automobiles in the USA and an extremely small investment to make for someone looking for permanency in a country with such a relatively low cost of living.

Also economic problems are cyclical, they come and they go. Brazil's economic problems will be resolved over the long term, just as the post-sub prime crisis economic problems in the USA are being resolved. What better time is there to invest in a country than during a period of slumping economy and strong US Dollar? Share prices are going down right across the board, and that's the best time to buy shares. Heck even the employees Petrobras are snapping up Petrobras shares, in the secure knowledge that if they hold onto them long enough they'll go back up and those who bought low, will make a killing.

Certainly it is not the time to be looking to Brazil if your aim is to make a quick buck, pound or euro... it never was. That said, Brazil still continues to be a good bet when looking for a long-term investment that won't put your money at risk.

James       Expat-blog Experts Team


Great.. So its best time to invest.. I think the price in 2 month rises or what as 150k Brazilian is almost 39,700 USD? as in this post u mention 37,000 USD in september


If you're looking at investment for immigration purposes, then you must consider that a very long-term investment. The minimum investment of R$150 thousand must be maintained and kept in the country. The initial Cédula de Identidade Estrangeiro would be issued in the PROVISIONAL category for the first 3 years, then it would need to be renewed. One would be required to prove that the business still exists and is in operation, and that the initial investment has not been repatriated in order to renew. Only then would the PERMANENT Cédula be issued.

Considering these requirements and the high level of bureaucracy involved in the visa, it is not for anyone who thinks that it's going to be quick and cheap. The R$150 thousand does not include the costs of registering the business and obtaining all the necessary documentation and licenses, those are extra.

James Experts Team


Your mean that we need to keep the minimum investment of 150k throughout the year? What is in some year due to company loss it reduce? I know its not quick..

What is the cost of forming company there? I mean government fees etc ect?

And do we have to pay tax also on our initial investment or on the business we get in brazil?
and If i look it from the perspective of Inflation if brazilian money falls more the initial investment in form of Brazilian money will be down as equal to dollars?


and yes I am looking as an immigration purpose and yes i can understand that i wont be quick i have to wait for a long..

So the initial visa will be for 3 years? what about company license or registration? It will be for 3 years? or will be renew every year?? as in Dubai if u open business you get visa for 3 years but you have to renew company license every year!!