Medical exams
Articles to help you in your expat project in Varna
Accommodation in Varna
Looking for accommodation in Varna? Here is an overview of this Bulgarian city's rental market and ...
Giving Birth In Bulgaria
If you find yourself pregnant in Bulgaria, you may be wondering if you will have to head home to have your baby. ...
Leisure in Bulgaria
Wondering how to keep yourself busy after work and during week-ends? Here is an overview of leisure activities ...
Education in Bulgaria
Educational Structures and Background:
Opening a bank account in Bulgaria
Do you wish to open a bank account in Bulgaria? Find out how to proceed in this article.
Driving in Bulgaria
Looking forward to drive during your stay in Bulgaria? Find out how to proceed in this article.
Traveling to Bulgaria with your pet
Would you like your pet to accompany you during your trip to Bulgaria? Find out how to proceed in this article.
Healthcare in Bulgaria
Wondering about health care in Bulgaria? How to access to these and what are the fees applied? Find out in this ...