
2 Moms with 7 years old girl moving soon to NY


My wife got a job in NY. As we have been looking for an international experience, we are very happy to move there soon.
When packing our furnitures, I have started to look on all useful information about primary schools. I would like to ask to those parents, who already passed through, if somebody could please, advise me what shoould be done as first?

Is it to late to register our daugter to any public school to strart in Automn 2015? I read that some schools have a waited list. How to pick up a public school ? For example, if we don't have yet any address ? We would like to live in Manhattan.

Thank you very much.
Sorry for my faults, I will learn better when living in US :-)


See also

Living in New York: the expat guideConfinement Services/Centre (Post Childbirth) in NYCCasting two French children ages 6-8 for upcoming feature filmTax refund process: help neededHiring Full-time Stay-in Helper / Nanny

The most important thing to choose first is where you will live. Probably closest to the job is a good idea. And then you can get an idea about the schools. You can register until the end of August or even into September. I am surprised that there are waiting lists for public schools

Bonne chance :)


Thank you!