California driving test - steering techniques required?

Hello! I'm taking my driver's test at the DMV this week, and I have a question about the turning techniques. A lot of people use the hand over hand technique when turning, others use push pull (hand to hand). I rarely feel the need to use hand over hand. I think the turning I do is a variation of push pull. the videos I watch resemble what I do but I don't actually use any specific steering technique. I do what feels comfortable, natural, and gives me most control of the car. I usually don't even need to turn the wheel THAT much. But I can't teach myself a new technique, the way I manuever the steering wheel when I turn is instinctive. During the test, is there a certain way I need to steer? Will I get points off/fail for not using a technique???

I found this on Google which recommends the hand-over-hand method. … /signaling

It would probably depend on the person testing you.  If they feel you are turning in a way that is potentially dangerous it may be a problem for you. There must be a safety reason for wanting people to  use this method, so it's probably a good idea to change your habit.  If they are  ok with the way you're turning, then they may not say anything, but it would be a shame to not get your license because you won't learn a different method.
It just takes practice and awareness to teach yourself a new way of doing something, but you can do it.
Good luck

I learned to drive in UK and we are always taught hand to hand steering (push/pull) method. Coming to US, I have to take another driving theory and practical exams as our license in UK is not convertible in US. I used the same method of steering like in UK, make sure to signal ahead of time that you are turning or changing lanes, road courtesy and look around (as in turn your head to the left-right-left) before moving the vehicle. Fortunately, I passed with two minor offense from Texas DMV. Good luck!!

@mel230 For your driving test, there isn't necessarily a requirement to use a specific technique like hand-over-hand or push-pull. What's important for the examiner is that you maintain control of the vehicle, that your turns are safe and smooth, and that you don't cross your arms in a dangerous way.

That said, some regions or examiners prefer a specific technique (often push-pull) because it offers better control during sharp turns. What you're doing instinctively seems to work for you, but make sure you're turning the wheel with enough control and fluidity to keep the car steady at all times. As long as you're not crossing your arms dangerously, you're unlikely to lose points for the technique, as long as everything is done well.

So, the most important thing: focus on smoothness and control.

Good luck with your test!

Ready for America

@Ready for America Team

Hello and welcome !

Please note that you are replying to a post from 2017.



For the California driving test, use the hand-to-hand or push-pull steering technique, keeping both hands on the wheel at 9 and 3 o'clock positions.

Hi there! What counts most is that you seem to have a solid grasp of steering. Instead of focusing on a particular method, they mostly check for safe and controlled driving during the driving exam.

Both hand-over-hand and push-pull are acceptable, but make sure to follow the guidelines provided by your instructor or DMV. Just focus on being comfortable and in control; you likely won't get points off for your style unless it's unsafe. Good luck with your test!