
Safety in Angola

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We would like to talk about a sensitive but important topic: do you feel safe in Angola?

How would you define the level of safety in the country?

Can you walk safely during the day and at night without any fear?

Do you think there is a high rate of criminality, social problems or tensions?

Share with us your insight on safety in Angola and in the city you live in.

Thank you in advance,


See also

Living in Angola: the expat guideSafety in SoyoHow is security in Angola ?New members of the Angola forum, introduce yourselves here - 2025Buying property in Angola

I don't see much problem where I am staying, I don't go at night and I don't socialise. To tell the truth I have never seen anything disturbing. Some of the things I had to learn to live with them like electricity and water problem.


Hi Christine,

I'd like to share this experience of mine.

It was a Friday night and me and colleagues decided to go out for a drink. We found ourselves in a Discoteca somewhere in Coqueiro if I'm not mistaken. We drink. We dance and then it's time to go home.

I was drunk and when we were out, I need to urinate so I separated myself from the group. A lot of KIDS gesturing me to come to them as I was looking for a place to relieve myself. So I went there somewhere dark behind the parked cars. Moments later, as I was just about to finish, when these kids are coming maybe around 7-9 kids. I can see that they are just kids and none of them are adult. Maybe they are there just to watch the cars. Somebody tried to hold me while somebody is frisking me trying to get any valuables I have. Nobody punched me or hit me. They took what they can and then leave.That time they were able to take my wallet, mobile phone, belt, my pair of shoes and my watch.

I went back to our car wondering what just happened and explaining the whole thing on our way back home. In the morning I felt the muscle pain all over my body maybe because of my struggling and resisting that night.

That night I hadn't lost too much but the fact that I was robbed it made me more aware when staying outdoors especially in the night. And it was a nice topic during our drinking sessions.  :D

          - Don't carry too much money
          - Stay away from the dark spots and never go there alone
          - As much as possible don't carry your passport with you but if you do hold on to it no matter what happens  :)
          - They just want money. Resist the urge to resist. It will be over soon!

Be safe guys!!


I wish I could have energy to go out and witness that.


I do hope these things like this won't happen again here in Angola. :)


Well as far as Lobito is concerned I find it very safe since I have been staying here for almost two years. I have no idea about other cities but heared a lot about Luanda for its crime.