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Does anybody know what foods (jams, syrups, sugar etc) one is allowed to bring in with your container when moving to Ecuador?

See also

How to choose the right moving companyHelp by renting and apartment or house in EcuadorMoving to Ecuador with your petMoving to EcuadorShipping household goods to Ecuador

sonjavdm wrote:

Does anybody know what foods (jams, syrups, sugar etc) one is allowed to bring in with your container when moving to Ecuador?

Ask your container shipping company for the latest word on any restrictions, for foods you are considering to bring into Ecuador.

Semi-perishables, including previously opened jams and preserves, might best be discarded or given away before the move, as mold could develop if there are delays on the Ecuador end.

Liquidy foods in glass and hard-plastic containers may be discarded as well, since the contents could be susceptible to damage and/or spillage.

For the same reason, so-called wet goods of any kind should not be packed above dry goods in your container from South Africa.

cccmedia in Quito


Thanks ccmedia for the info.  I will follow up with my agent once we are ready to immigrate. I just want to take my sugars & jams with.



Aren't these items available at Super Maxi? Maybe not quite the same as Pretoria.

Having had to get groceries shipped when I lived off the grid. I would advise against putting anything that could spill, break or rupture in a container load. For me it was only a an hour by plane. The lids have to be taped in a special way. Only ever had one real mess on my hands- Joy dishwashing liquid. Eggs, forget it. They were a big treat when we went to town. Can't imagine what cleaning up 5# sugar would be like.


Hi Sue, the sugar is from Belgium (kandij suiker & Parelsuiker).  Only found there. I always buy when visiting the family in Belgium. The jams is what one can get in Ecuador but to get rid of all your groceries is a bit harsh. I am putting it all in a container.  I know that one can't take open jars with but my sealed ones I would like to bring with.


suefrankdahl wrote:

The lids have to be taped in a special way. Only ever had one real mess on my hands - Joy dishwashing liquid.  Can't imagine what cleaning up 5# sugar would be like.

Then, don't even think about a syrup spill.  Or Murphy's Law.

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