How long to get temporary residents card
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Hello can anybody guide me that after the company opening in montenegro and getting the workpermits done and applied for trc almost 2 months has passed ,howmuch more time would we should wait for trc decision from podgorica as we had completed all formalities there physically present and came back to our country and opened bank accounts also we wants to start the bussiness . Plz guide ?
What do you mean by "trc"?
TRC means applied for residency 1 year temporary residents card
Hello banjot,
Please note that I have created a new thread from your post on the Montenegro forum for better visibility.
Thanks & Regards
Normally when you have taken your application to the "MUP" (ministarstvo unutrasnjih poslova) they give you a document ("Potvrda o prijemu podneska") with the date when you can go back to have the stamp applied into your passport, usually 3 weeks later.
Did you get this document? Did anyone help you with the application?
Hello thanks for the reply we had gone to the officeto apply for the residency the very next day after getting our work permits we wre waiting outside the office because of language problem and translations of documents which we had done , we took the help of some professionals to get it done the people who helps to get com openings they replied us that we have applief now the decision will come from podgorico after 1 month but now about 2 months have passed but no answer plz guide is it in procesd or how can we confirm and they did not tell us about the document they recieved on our behalf thanx
I've sent you a PM so you can send me the details of these people who were supposed to do the job for you.
It could be because of the new law on foreigners that passed on April 1st, but I'll try to find out what is going on, as it seems to take longer than it should. Cheers!
banjot wrote:Hello
How can we help you. Do you have information about temporary residents card ??
Hi everybody,
everybody is waiting for the new low to be suspended in order to give us a chance to get resident one year visas, because at this stage it is impossible, because they ask for one specific document from "Zavod za zaposljavanje" (Employment authority) which is a proof that there are no people from Montenegro registered as unemployed there who can work at the position foreigner should start working, regardless foreigner is founder of company nor executive director. Even if you are in position which is rear and there are o such unemployed citizens of Montenegro, this authority do not want to issue such document.
You should be happy for having chance to apply!!!
Very important thing is that according to this new low, it is impossible to get resident-ship ID any more, because that added one sentence in low which says that you can extend resident-ship vise just two times, third time you have to wait vise expires and to make new application, in this way you will make break, and will never have 5 years of continuous stay and will never qualify for residents ship ID.
If something changes I will post, but this option for not being able to get ID will not change for sure!!!
Hey Nemanja,
Yes, let's see what happens.
The problem is that if they want to reinstate that new law later this year with such conditions, they are basically shooting themselves in the feet.
I'm in touch with many other expats like myself who have registered companies here and usually are also the directors of the companies, and such a law will just make most of them pack their bags and leave.
I was personally lucky to renew my residence permit in March, so I don't need to worry about this until next year, but for sure, if I have to "give away my own job", I'll go an find some more welcoming land to invest my money and time.
I have already recently lost some business with foreign clients who have decided to cancel their investment in Montenegro because of the insecurity this law would create for them.
Let's hope they come back to their senses very quickly before too much damage is done to Montenegro's fragile economy.
Hi Carine,
I agree with you 100%. I am also very close to pack my bags, despite I developed business here, and last year was far the best for me! I just do not want situations like this, in past month I lost a lot of energy and got bunch of new grey hair, for nothing, instead of concentrating on job.
They promised me in Bar police department that they will accept my application tomorrow, but still if they do, what will happen next year? I am not speaking about my small business, what will happen to people who are investing a lot of money???
I understand the problem of unemployment, and that there are a lot of foreigners working seasonal jobs instead Montenegrin citizens, but you can not fix this with a law like this. This people in power should invest more of their time if they want to make something good!!!
I can say that I managed to apply for resident visa, so far they will accept applications with out confirmation from Employment authority (Zavod za zaposljavanje), rest is the same. I hope that they will sort things out soon, because what I will do next year?!
Hi Nemanja,
I have been thinking about buying house near Bar and opening B&B there. I do have a specific house in my mind. It would mean starting a business and working for it. Does this new law tell me "to forget about it"??
Hi there,
I can say it is very tricky question. So far they allowed getting visas (I also got it) but I also know people who were refused. Answer was that they already issued maximum allowed number of visas for this year, so they applied again hoping that some visas will expire in meantime.
Another thing is that they still did not define how big investment you need to make in buying real-estate so you can gain visa by that, since they suspended this new low, and also this possibility of getting visa defined in this new low.... we will see what will happen after summer holidays....
Hi Nemanja,
thanks for your answer. So if I wanted to act wisely, it would be best maybe to wait and see. On the other hand I have never bee that clever and life is risky anyway.
One fellow expat who's just been through the new process of getting the Residence Permit has made this really useful "Guide" which will probably discourage many of you, but at least it gives you an idea of the new procedure... I believe this is only going to be valid for a few months as the rules always change, but I thought I'd share it anyways. Good luck everyone!
Do you guys know if the procedure has changed since this was posted?
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