Want to spread Indian classical music during my stay in Portugal


My name is Saket Moghe, and I am an Indian resident. I happen to have travel plans for work in Portugal, Lisbon in the month of May-June.

I have also been practicing Indian Classical Music and have been performing. I would like to take this opportunity and volunteer in spreading the Indian classical music there by performances,
lecture-demonstrations etc.

Could someone please let me know, who should I connect with or if there is any formal process of doing it.

I would be able to contribute for this on the weekends.

Thanks and regards,
Saket Moghe.

Hello Saket Moghe and welcome to the forum of Expat.com

Kindly note that I created a new thread as from your post on the Portugal forum to help you get more visibility and interactions.

Hope that some members will be able to advise you real soon.

Best luck for your project :top:

Expat.com Team

I Think you just have to contact some people.
May be you can sen an e mail to
E-mail: info@foriente.pt

Its the Museum from Orient and it has a very diverse program with workshops, performances, conferences, etc. Even if they don´t have the possibility to put you in next month program, they have good contacts and they might give you a  useful direction.
Good luck

hi Saket,

there's an association in Mouraria, that is quite involved in artistic projects and apreciates the involvement of volunteers and spreading cultural events in the neighborhood.
if you like, it will be my pleasure to welcome you in Lisbon and introduce you to the people there.
i think it will be a lovely project.

best regards