Receive money from algeria

Am stephen ronald please I want to receive money from algeria and my freind said he can't send money that is not allow please hoe can he help me to send it please need your reply you can maill me here with the reply

Hello Stephen,

Welcome to Expat-Blog..:)

I would like to inform you that I have created a new discussion from your post on the Algeria forum for better interaction and visibility.

I would also advice you to have a look at the forum Banks and finance in Algeria so that you can gather some additional information.

Thank you

stephenronald96 wrote:

Am stephen ronald please I want to receive money from algeria and my freind said he can't send money that is not allow please hoe can he help me to send it please need your reply you can maill me here with the reply

Have you done a Google search ?? Check out Western Union or any of the other international money transfer companies. You just need to Google,  how to transfer money from Algeria to Nigeria  and see what comes up. I found ways in less than 1 minute of searching but you will need to check them out.