
3000 riyal on start for yrs exp) and 5000 after 2 yrs possible

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Asslam o alikum......please read my complete message and reply..

(1) bin dawood group (having super stores & hyper markets in jeddah, makkah, madinah) offer me 3,000/- saudi riyal per month with accomodation , transport, medical and i am selected as assistant accountant. i am from lahore, pakistan and getting 60,000/- (equal to 2,200 saudi riyal) in pakistan. i did in 2nd division and have 8 years experience.

(2.) i know current salary package is not sufficient but my friends told me, degree holder with 5-7 years experience from pakistan on start maximum get approx riyal 3000-4000 in saudi arabia, and they advice me to come to saudi arabia and after getting two years experience of their counrty, i can get 5000 to 7000 riyal, but from pakistan to get start salary package of Riayl 5000-6000 not possible with 2nd div degree.

(3.) i have to send back 2000-2200 saudi riyal to my family, so can i survive on remaining 800-1000 riyal and can easily meet food, telephone , etc expenses. (accomodation provided by employer) ?

(4.) as per offer letter, i have to work for 11 hours daily with 1 day leave in a week. plz tell me about normal duty hours in saudi arabia? is that ok ? in pakistan companies hours are between 8-9 per day with 1 day leave.

Dear all please answer my all questions and advice me...most important is that can i get 5000-7000 saudi riyal after two years foreign much chances to jump from 3000 to 5000 after two years assistant accountant experience?

waiting for an early response ....thank you ver much.


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Wa'Alaykum Assalaam,

Is it 3000 SAR including Accommodation and transport, or else will you get extra allowances? if you are getting extra allowances for housing , then you can save some money from that.

You should ask the company whether they will increase your salary after particular period of time and on regular basis.(like after 1 year 3% increment or after 2 years 5% increment, likewise)

However if you are planning to switch later on to different company after gaining experience, then in such case luck and opportunity favors, still you can hope for 4000-5000 SAR maximum if lucky even 6000.

If you are alone and company is providing accommodation and transport, then i think around 500-700 sar is enough for food and local expenses( this criteria depends upon life style of person, so it varies from person to person).

As per the Govt. Labor Law, 48hours per week is maximum, in that case 9hours(1 hour break which doesnt count in working hrs) per day is max limit, with one day holiday in a week. If at all you are working for 11 hours then , they should provide overtime ( or else you have right to approach labor office and can complain, but its not that easy here) so better ask before signing contract about overtime.


Hy am pauline live in riyadh bt am akenyann ..
0595719659 am looking for a sponsor i work for him/her them they find my iqama n passport


bro. masood ali thank you very much for giving me your precious time and answering my questions:

I have few more question:

as per my offer letter company will charge SAR 6,000/- In case i terminate my contract before completion of two years service contract. when i ask this to agent, he said company charged this amount as a penalty, because company paid all iqama etc. fee to govt., thats why they will charge, if any employee leave company before completion of agreement.

my question is that regarding iqama, visa nothing mentioned on offer letter who will bear this cost, as i understand from discussion with agent, company will bear these expenses, but please tell me how much amount required to pay these iqama etc. or any other fee. company or individual required to pay in two years?

dear brother, They are offering Gross Salary 3,000/- SAR i.e including all allowance.

regarding increment, nothing written on offer letter, but when i discuss with agent he said , normally companies revised Salary on completion of contract, however, in very few cases salary can be revised after probation., which i understand that i have to work on this Gross salary 3,000/- upto completion of two years contract. Also increment % not mentioned in offer letter.

Yes Company is providing accommodation. and on completion of two years contract 42 days leaves with return ticket along with basic salary.

and brother only 11 duty hours are mentioned on offer letter but regarding over time allowed or not, nothing mentioned on offer letter (but as per job ad published in newspaper by recruiting agency, Overtime, transport, medical, accommodation was given, different job categories were included in advertisemenet, so overtime may be given to other categories, but on on my offer letter no over time was mentioned)

dear brother as per your answer, after two years experience of saudi arabia and total 10 years experience, can get 4000-5000 saudi riyal maximum, in case of switch off your company. but possibiliteis of getting 6000-7000 are very rare on basis.

I will ask all qureies from my agent which you highlighted.

once again thanks a lot.


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