
medical institution that accepts insurance- Blue Cross/ Blue Shield

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Stie cineva care sunt institutiile medicale care accepta asigurarea medicala BC/BS in Romania?
Cu multumiri

See also

Health care in RomaniaPreventive care in RomaniaMedication in RomaniaHernia OperationHealth Insurance for Expat

Why don't you call them and ask, or look on their website? BTW the forum language here is English.


Hello benedicta

As stated by romaniac, you must write in English on the anglophone version of teh forum.

Thank you

Kenjee Team


I apologize for writing in Romanian. My question, in English, was:
What medical institutions (medical doctors, hospitals, hospices, etc.) accept the medical insurance issued by Blue Cross/Blue Shield?
Thank you,



benedicta wrote:

I apologize for writing in Romanian. My question, in English, was:
What medical institutions (medical doctors, hospitals, hospices, etc.) accept the medical insurance issued by Blue Cross/Blue Shield?
Thank you,


Look here, it will tell you.


Thank you for the link, Romaniac. It leads to a business that has no connection to BlueCross/BlueShield, except a similar logo.


Enter the first three letters of the Identification Number on your ID Card.

By entering xqf (which was random guess) led me to this list of institution in bucharest: … angeType=m

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