
Any Muslims?

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Hello everyone! I just moved to St. Petersburg a couple weeks ago. I was wondering if there are any Muslims out there (particularly women) who want to hang out and do something? Most Muslimahs I've met don't speak English so it can be a bit of bummer sometimes. Non-Muslims are welcome, of course, there's no club of exclusivity here. I'm very a friendly and active person.

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Tarek Baz

hi arianahakim,
how are you ?
I am Tarek I am living in St.Peter since 4 moth ago, and I am a Muslim
I am wondering how long are you going to stay in St.Peter?

If you need any help I am at you service


Hello Tarek, I'm alright. I'm here for 1 year. I'm looking for a halal food shop. I know there is one by the masjid but it was quite small and it seemed that they really only had beef and some sausages. Also, I don't really speak much Russian so I'm a little nervous to ask for something. Do you know of any other places?

Tarek Baz

first where do you live in St.Peter ?

in Okey Supermarket you can find halal chicken


arianahakim wrote:

Hello Tarek, I'm alright. I'm here for 1 year. I'm looking for a halal food shop. I know there is one by the masjid but it was quite small and it seemed that they really only had beef and some sausages. Also, I don't really speak much Russian so I'm a little nervous to ask for something. Do you know of any other places?

download the Arabic halal and pictures of what you want.
Done that sort of thing many times, and it works...


Hi! So it doesn't seem that hijabis are extremely welcome in the working world. I am just starting to try to wear hijab full time (except work) but I guess it's up to us to change the idea of Muslim women in the workplace. I have had an offer for a job from another Muslimah to work at her language school but I already have my full time contract so I had to decline her offer this year. So it's hard but possible!

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