
i have a friend in st pettersburg

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i living in algeria and i have a friend in st pettersburg
how i can do to go there
or how my friend do to be together ?

and can i find a work in this big city

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You better check the Russian Embassy in your country. It must be possible to arrange invitation and visa for you. Ask Embassy which papers you need and than ask your friend to prepare invitation for you. If you have enough money for tickets and staying in St. Petersburg - let's do it. About work... I doubt it, but anyway, you must ask the authorities or try illegal way (which I would not advise to avoid problems with immigration authorities in Russia).

I cannot say more details because I am Russian and not need that formalities for me to enter...


hi Mr Andreym
thanks for yours advices and expliacations.My case is like this i have a friend in ambassy here who can help me to have my visa for russia.i have a hobbie.. i want decovert your his cold  and all other thing who go zith.but i don't know anybody there...can u find me somebody who can accommodate me for 6 month? i just want realise my dream...thanks for your attention


thanks tati...i like your i need so much your help.can u make me in contact with your friend?can you help me to find a job?how can i proceed? take my personnal mail


Hi holacore))
contact with me here and i will give you a lot of info. and plus if you need help there, i have a lot of friends, i can conect you with them)))


yes, you are very attention, i have two accounts.. why? bec i forgot password from the first, and i made extra one new bec i want to enjoy this site.

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