
Buying land with water stream passing on it.Can I use the water ??

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Am planing to buy a property with a big piece of land. A water stream is passing through the land. Will I be able to use that water for irrigation or filling up swimming pool for example?

Thanks a lot,


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hi just read your new mail, I hope you can use it for your needs, but I hope you will be mindfull of any animals, birds that might regularly visit this water source too.
the hillsides and fields are full of rare species that visit BG when migrating,
best wishes, steve.

Kiril Sushenok

I would say that officially it will be quite difficult to get permission from authorities for using this water unless its not a common source in your village, however I know nobody who has been accused for a reasonable use  of "in house" water for personal needs. While you do it for yourself in small , non commercial scale nobody cares..


Thanks you guys..

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