
Do people do 'Visa Runs' to stay longer in Colombia?

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I'm investigating my options for staying in Colombia longer that the 3 months which I understand is what Americans automatically get. That is correct isn't's 3 months automatically at the airport?

Either way I'm still wondering if I can/could use visa runs to extend my time there. If I do come, I'll be working online so I can stay in either city.

Any info or advice would be appreciated. I'm interested particularly in Barranquilla but Medellin would be an option to (I hear it's very nice). Can somebody tell me if there's any appreciable difference in living costs between Barranquilla vs. Medellin?

Thanks much,

See also

The Working Holiday Visa for ColombiaVisas for ColombiaExpat from the USBuying/Selling Gold and Silver in Colombia (Barranquilla and Medellin)Moving to barranquilla

I have lived in Medellin and I am now in Barranquilla.   Everyday I find myself wishing I had never left Medellin..  You have to request 90 days when you arrive at the airport and it's not always given..  Sometimes only 30 days..  Then you will need to visit Migracion Colombia to get an extension (never let your current stamp run out)..  There are always fees for everything in Colombia..  Late fees and fines can hurt..  You can always leave Colombia and re enter until your 180 days are used up..  I have a resident visa,  but that took years to finally get..


Hi Markcol:

Thanks for that info. Yeah, I know Medellin is very nice. With me it's a 'carnival' thing. I've always wanted to see it.  Plus, I have some other memories from a prior visit to Barranquilla in 2001.'s looking like I'm 99.9% sure I'm coming in mid-Jan. Would you be able to help me find a room or studio apt to stay in.... maybe recommend an agency or somebody an individual owner I could contact. I've heard that $150-250 will get me a place. Is that right?

Also... is it possible for me to open some sort of debit card account at a local bank there and is the internet service good enough for Skype and YouTube there?

I'll be doing some writing but I'll have time to get to know the place and brush up on my Spanish from high-school.

Skype: atwill4

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