
Hello I'm new here and I am wondering if Tampico,Mexico is safe?

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Newbie traveler

hello I'm new here to this site and I'm looking for some answers I'm going to be living in Tampico,Mexico for quite some time a couple months from now and wanted to know safety precautions what I should look out for where to go etc. and also how the crime really is over there I see a bunch of videos of news reporting shootings and innocent ppl dying in the crossfire I'm going to be studying over there as I have family who lives there they say it's violent but not how the tv makes it seem just that there are certain things you cannot do like here in the states for instance go out for a late snack especially since I live in south Florida go to the night clubs etc. is the crime over there really that bad ? How about the rest of Mexico? Please I need your guys feedback as this is bugging me btw I was born in Mexico but I've lived in the states and the last time I visited I was in Mexico City back in 04 and things were normal during my visit so thank you all in advance

See also

Living in Mexico: the expat guidePuerto EscondidoNeurologists in Quintana RooTransporting pets to MexicoInformation on Merida ? US couple considering move.

There are areas that are more dangerous everywhere, especially in the U.S. In Mexico it's primarily in the border areas like Juarez. We have traveled often in Mexico, and in fact are traveling now. Like in the U.S. avoid known risky areas which are well published. Don't drive at night, and listen to your families advice.

Mexico restricts gun's so your risk of being shot in malls, schools, and on the street in Mexico is, unlike the U.S. is almost non existent. We just traveled through Hermosillo, Los Mochas, Mazatlan, Puerto Vallarta, and Guadalajara with no problems. The food was good, people were very friendly, helpful and pleasant. There is gang activity in the U.S. and people get killed because of it, there is gang activity in Mexico and people get killed because of it also. The difference is that in the U.S. some of the people killed are by standers, and in Mexico it is much less likely that by standers get killed.

The U.S. press exaggerates habitually.

Newbie traveler

Thanks for the quick reply I highly appreciate it and I'll take your word for it seems like You've been to a lot of states in Mexico I really can't thank you enough now I'll make a post of some other interesting stuff like where is the best food you all have ate wether it's a food stand/truck/restaurant and also how are the stores in Mexico regarding Walmart Liverpool etc. also what are some good scenic places to visit? These can all be all over mexico not just in tampico again thank you all very much travel light thanks again highly appreciate the fast response.  :top:


I lived in Guadalajara 5 weeks last year and currently live in Orizaba (about 2 months now).  I've never had a problem in regards to feeling safe and secure.  It's not nearly as bad as Ferguson, Missouri ... there the cops beat nonviolent protestors and shoot black youth with their hands up.  Media hype sells, particularly if it vilifies people of color.


I just wanted to weigh in on this because as an expat who's lived ALL over Mexico over the past 7 years and adopted Spanish as my new first language, I think I'm fairly credible to post a comment about Mexico's safety.
I've lived in 8 states from the north border to the very southern tip and I can say with confidence that there is nowhere in the Mexican Republic that is as dangerous as anywhere in the US. Mexico has deep social issues but it's microscopic in comparison to the US. Tampico had economic hardship which led to the proliferation of gang activity but as companies began returning, things have improved. Mexicans who live in these small pocketed locations hate the violence but police and gov't corruption can't stem the tide of violence because they're in the cross-hairs of narcos as well. Even the bordertowns are safer than every major US city. I went to university in Florida and spent time in about 20 states. The US is by far the most dangerous country on earth, although stats may show differently because hundreds of crimes in the US go unreported. Believe it or not, I love the US for a few policies that Canada lacks. But Canada is the greatest country in the Western Hemisphere. The number reason the US surpasses Mexico in violence is the staunch defense of the 2nd Amendment by every stratosphere of American existence. Number 2 reason, the American ideology of their true free enterprise democratic system of sink or swim. Desperate people do desperate things...the US has few social safety nets. Number 3 - no compromise of personally defending your property and family at all costs born from Revolution - it occurred in Mexico too but 30 years of a tyrannical gov't calmed society over time - revolution is a point of pride in the US. Number 4, the vast divide of race, religion and creed  and low tolerance to accept nonconformist or "non-American" behavior or customs. All demographics of Mexicans are wonderful people...I'm of color and Latin Americans don't understand the point of visible racism. It's not in their culture. They understand economic divide but don't chastise the poor nor do they assist either but Mexico is grossly misinterpreted by outsiders. You'll be fine. I've been robbed twice in the street - both times by uniformed municipal police.

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