
Franch girl who wants learn albanian / Teach French

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morgane guibert

Hello Everyone !

Jam Morgane ! I live in France in paris, and i have been in Albania last summer. I feel like learn albanian, is somebody can help me ? I can teach french if someone is interesting. :)

I really love that country, and i was in a family in Albania. But I couldn't talk with them. (üne flas shume pak Shqiep :p )
So i feel like come back there and this time, talking well albanian !

Miraufpashim ;)


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Hi Morgane

i am native Albanian speaker if you want i may help you in Albanian language and you can teach me some french. ok

have a nice day


Hi dear :) , I can teach u Albanian if u want :) . I'm from Albania

flo bologna

Hi Morgan/Mirëdita from Japan. I am Flo, albanian man. It will be nice to teach you my motherland language