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Hello .Should I get vaccinated before I go to India ( New Delhi , Agra n Kashmir ) ? R the mosquitoes there soo dangerous ?Its my first time to go there so I donno .Ppl here have mixed opinions about the necessity of vaccinations .So I need some advice.

Thanks in advance :)

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The healthcare system in IndiaAccidents and emergencies in IndiaHealth insurance in IndiaHaving a baby in IndiaPreventive care in India

Yeah u should better take the vaccines.... As indian v have some immunity which v acquired from the surrounding foreign people may not b immune to those disease so better get vaccined.... moreover I havent heard vaccines for mosquitoes... watsoever it is consult your physician and get the required doses. Enjoy your trip ;)


Which vaccines should I take exactly ? here in Egypt they donno which ones to take ?r there any serious diseases spreading now ?


Nah no diseases as as such epidemic right now u need to consult your physician for these details I may take some time to give you the perfect list of vaccines. Dnt b so much afraid its a great place with great people.


Dear Princess, get vaccinated against malaria & dengue , thanks


Dude there arent any vaccines for malaria and dengue till date.


Thanks :)

This may really help you out.


which link ?


D link is been reviewed by the website... ill send u d content


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Vaccines for Travel to India

Staying Up to Date on Vaccines
Your doctor will review your immunization record to make sure you are up to date on the standard vaccines and booster shots that people . should have. That includes immunizations for:

You'll also possibly need a tetanus booster shot. And it's important to make sure that your flu shot is current.

Vaccines for India
Here are vaccines you may need for travel to India:

Hepatitis A. This disease can be transmitted through food and water. The risk for Hepatitis A in India is high. So, immunization is highly recommended.

Hepatitis B. There is an intermediate risk for hepatitis B in India. Hepatitis B is a viral infection that can be transmitted by contact with blood and other bodily fluids. That means you could potentially be exposed through:

sexual activity
recreational drug use
being in an accident
receiving medical care
If you haven't been vaccinated for it already, you should get the vaccine before you go.


Typhoid fever. Typhoid fever is a life-threatening illness. It's caused by bacteria. You can get typhoid fever by eating or drinking contaminated food or water.

It's recommended that anyone traveling in southern Asia, including India, be vaccinated against it. This is especially important if you will be visiting rural areas or staying in small towns.

Japanese encephalitis. India is a high-risk area for this viral disease. It is transmitted by the bite of a mosquito. The disease is potentially fatal.

People who will be staying in rural farming areas are at the highest risk. Travelers to India are advised to get the vaccine before going.

Rabies. Getting the rabies vaccine is especially important if you will be spending time outdoors, particularly in rural areas. Young children are especially vulnerable to animal bites and infection with rabies.

Yellow fever. Yellow fever is transmitted by mosquito bite. It's not a major concern for people traveling in India. You may not need to get the vaccine before you go.


But it's important to know that when you get to India you may be asked to show proof of yellow fever vaccination if you visited a country with risk of yellow fever before your arrival in India.

Without that proof, you may be quarantined for up to six days when you first arrive. Yellow fever is mostly found in tropical and subtropical countries in Central America, South America, and Africa.


This is all I could find still ill suggest yoyto refer your consultant doctor for further details..
Stay safe happy journey
Ull definitely love India


WoW thank u very much indeed ..I'm sure i'll love India ..but Egypt is not soo much different from India when it comes to these diseases :D


Haha.. negativity apart... both these countries are beautiful ;) ... dnt knw much about egypt bt yeah ull find a huge variations here in India let it be people, food, culture.


Princesse there are no vaccinations requirements for India until now. You can travel freely but make sure you keep windows closed at night and wear full covered clothing. People in India are immunized to mosquito bites but I guess you wont be and will be prone more easily. In kashmir the air is clean. New Delhi and Agra are more less polluted.


No worries take your vaccination and come
You don't come at Bangalore?


Come freely..there are no such diseases in India that you need to worry about. Mosquitoes are present everywhere and by the way you are not going to stay in forest that you must take some precautions for mosquitoes. I visited India 2 year back and it's a great place. Liked it.


Thank u all :)


Better to have them and not need them than to need them and not have them. Cheap solution.  ;)


I am here from the U.S., and is my second time over. My first trip I was advised to get the Hep B series. But as far as the shot for malaria, I started the series but never finished them. I survived, but I will warn you that the mosquitoes here are different from home. If you tend to have allergic reactions to insect bites, I would recommend the vacc, if not, ask someone to buy you a product called Odomus. It is a lifesaver for me as I am a mosquito magnet! It has no odor to it and works great! You can get it in a cream or gel. Hope that helps!


Anyone hear of bugslock .org? I'm bringing some anyway. d


Thanks aloot :)


Vaccination is important because problem is some people are immune to dangerous disease but some people are not who know a small mosquito can create too much issues :)


Thank u all again countdown for my trip has already started but I'm a little bit concerned about the situation in Kashimr ..Is anyone here living there or more informed about the reality of the suitation ?

Thanks in advance

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