How to find a job in Cambodia


Are you an expat living in Cambodia? Let's share your experience! 

What is the best way to find a job in Cambodia?

The Internet? Please tell us which are the most useful / effective websites for job seekers in Cambodia.

Recruitment agencies? Have you got their contact?

Newspapers? Which ones?


Thanks in advance for your participation

Hi all,
you can post and find job by visiting this website is uptodate.


the most popular is , it is free of charge and you can have a broader range of jobs,not only in Phnom Penh, they send you by e-mail a daily newsletter with the new ads.;)

Try Jobs in Cambodia,

another good way to find a job here are the classified ads in the Cambodia Daily and the Phnom Penh Post.
to volunteer, visit or the website of ngo forum
I should admit that volunteering is the most rewarding occupation of all, this country needs to improve education, youth needs skills.Volunteering for free for a few months can help to open many doors, here.....;)

Wrote a post about job sites in Cambodia. Please just click on the link to visit.

My top picks would be;, and

I would like join this member

i hope this helps [link moderated]

there's a email

so try to email them

they pay 30usd per errand.

good luck

the email is

Hi ntuc-man > maybe you could give some useful info on how to find a job in Cambodia?

Thank you,
Christine team


There is a new website for locals and people from all around the world to find jobs in Cambodia.

Many jobs are covered, have a look and see if any suits you.

Education / Teaching / Training
Hotel / Bar / Restaurant / Hospitality
Advertising / Marketing / Design
Construction / Real Estate / Maintenance
NGO / Non-Profit Organisation

Hope you find it helpful, if you want to message me I can help in more specific ways.



Moderated by Bhavna 7 years ago
Reason : Digging up old thread
We invite you to read the forum code of conduct


I am interested for this information


The person you're replying to wrote it 8 years ago, so there's not much chance that you get an answer.

You can start a new thread and see how that works out.

Good luck.

