Wanna indian friends in usa

HI this is sameer from Delhi India and stay in New york,i don,t know any one here it,s a frist time i wanna make INDIAN friends who they are already live in usa,i wanna discover Usa,pls pls friends help me


hello. how r u.

@ shimar*sham2595 > Can you please introduce yourself? :)



hey!!  :) i m abby from philly. 28. female. I orignally from india. how bout u.

hi i,m fine and what about u

I am fine thanks.. :) .

how's everything. can u introduce yourself.

what u wana know about me

Sameer1984 wrote:

what u wana know about me

Perhaps you could tell her where you live in NY, what is your employment, why does your profile say you are in Netherlands, Do you want friends from Philadelphia?  What are your hobbies and interests?  How long do you expect to stay in NY?

@Sameer1984 , how are you doing today.. I would love to know more about you if you dont mind.. My name is Franklin.

@Franklin Washington

Hello and welcome !

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