Are there any other South African members on the site?
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Hi All
My wife and I (Rita and Jean-Pierre) are not yet living full time in Bulgaria. We bought a house in Gostilitsa (central Bulgaria) at the end of 2011. We live permanently in South Africa but have been coming for three months at a time, repairing the house and establishing our new home. Unfortunately as South Africans we are only given visas for three months at a time with a three month break in between. This year we applied for a long stay visa and are attempting to get temporary residency so as to make the visa issue easier. My only question at this stage is to know whether there are any other South African members on the blog? Or any members on the blog living in our area we have have not met yet.
Jean - Pierre
Hi Jean - Pierre,
Welcome to expat-blog!
I created a new topic from your post on the Bulgaria forum for better interaction.
Please feel free to go through the South African expatriates in Bulgaria Network, this might be helpful.
Good day, I am a South African planning to move to Bulgaria. My wife and I will be going on pension and would like to move soon. We know Bulgaria very well and have travelled extensively. We've been to Bulgaria already 14 times since 1999, we know the culture and a little bit of the language.
Hi Casper
I am also a South African I come from Durban. I only left South Africa in April 2013 and first moved to England like most of us do. I didn't like it there came to Varna, love it here and so have moved here permanently. Varna as you know is by the sea so it is like home from home for me. I love it here I don't have to worry about violent crime or fear walking home late at night. In SA we forget how the Europe lives without the violence we are so used to in our everyday life.
I was also very fortunate I have met another South African here. She has lived here for 10 years so her so her knowledge has been a great help to me. She is from Johannesburg, we have become good friends. She has helped me settle in here without getting too homesick.
What made you decide on Bulgaria?
Perhaps when you are in Bulgaria we can all meet up, reminisce and have a braai.
Welcome bru!
Pity you are so far from Varna. There are five of us here. Gareth (as previously mentioned) I am the Joburger. Another three ladies. Two of whom I have met.
Any questions I can answer, don't hesitate to ask.
Good luck on the move.
Zdraveite priyatel, kak si?
My wife and I are short term missionaries to Bulgaria since 1999. We also do a lot of humanitarian work. We mainly minister in the north central part of Bulgaria. We always use Lovech as our base but we minister in places like Lovech, Troian, Pavlikeni, Sevlievo, Sofia, Dragana, Levski and some more smaller villages. We've travelled the country from north to south and from east to west. We've been to places like Varna, Burgas, Pomorie, Kjustendil, Plovdiv, Kardjali, Pleven, etc. etc. We already have so many friends in Bulgaria, we really love the country and its people. The idea is to go on pension in Bulgaria. It should not be too much of a problem for us because we know the culture, the country and the language somewhat.
Casper i Alida ot grad Kriel
Zdraveite. Az sum chudesno, blagodarya. Kak si?
You have certainly travelled more of Bulgaria than I have. I only arrived in Varna at the end of October last year, and haven't really had the chance to explore much yet, but now summer is on the way I intend travelling a lot more. I like history so am finding Bulgaria a fascinating country. The scenery of what little I have seen is really spectacular and I am looking forward to exploring the county more.
I have just started to learn Bulgarian so you know a lot more of the language than me. I find the people very friendly and helpful. However, those that I meet, as soon as they know I speak English, prefer to practice their English than let me practice my Bulgarian.
When do you hope to be in Bulgaria?
I never realised how many saffas there is in sunny old Bg. I am a Namibian who moved to Bg in 2007, can help with the visa front as my huby is English but would love a get together for some beer and braai. I am in the Razgrad area
Hi all
Great to hear there's a few of us. I lived in SA for 50 years so consider myself one. Dam-it, miss the weather.
Arrived in BG Nov 2012, started off in VT but could not take the weather so moved to Yambol. Have a house in Kamenets 22km out, not far from Greece and Turkey. Had a great braai last night, we make our own wors.
That's my second winter and will defiantly be spending my next one in George WP. Has anyone shipped belongings from SA. I have a load of stuff sitting on the farm. Can't bring myself to dump it but from what can see it will cost more than it's worth to get it here.
I am British, I used my SA passport to get married, Bulgaria will not accept that my wife is married to an EU subject and will not grant her residence!!!!!
Do you know of anyone closer to me?
Regards Esmond
I am a South African living in Bulgaria
Where about in Bulgaria are you staying?
I have moved here about 4 months ago as my Fiance is Bulgarian. We are living in Stara Zagora.
Maybe when you come again we can have a dinner somewhere.
Hey, I am not from SA, but I do live near Gostilitsa. My husband and I looked at a home there, but decided it was too far from Gabrovo (the city where his company is- we travel by bicycle, not car, so we prefer something a little closer).
Right now we are in Gabrovo, but in the next couple of years we should move into a village around here so I can have a garden.
Hi all, not much activity happening on this post so i thought i would add something to keep it going.
My name is Jan and i am originally from Margate(Kzn) and then Sedgefield( Eden - Garden route)
I have been living in Bulgaria, Plovdiv to be exact since March, 2013 working for an American software company.
If there is anyone around the Plovdiv area or even further away that wants to meet up, please let me know as would love to catch up.
Hi Jan
I am from Durban living in Varna. I would like to visit Plovdiv, as I've heard its a fascinating place, in the spring. It would be great to meet up for a chat and a few beers.
If you get in touch we can arrange something.
Hi Jan,
Although not from SA, my British-born husband lived for years in East Africa (Kenya). We are in a village close to Plovdiv. PM me if you would like to meet up in Plovdiv sometime.
Yes it will be great to meet up. I will let you know when I am in Plovdiv. I have been to Nairobi (many years ago) so it will be great to exchange stories
Hi JP. I am born Cape Town living in Johannesburg. We are hoping for a long stay visa to go in February next year but was told this morning by the embassy that we need a job for a work permit. Probably in Sofia. We must definitely chat to help each other and not to be isolated. We havea place in VT. Cheers
Hi Luna. Also from Joburg. Cheers
Hi there. Originally from Zim, been staying in Pretoria, SA for the past 11 years.
Planning to set up my Software Company in Bulgaria early 2018. Been extensively researching about Sofia and Varna. I am more concerned about Office Rental prices, broadband speeds and also the Business permit. Will I be given the 3 months one when I apply for the first time? I am in the process of registering the company in Bulgaria. Also, what is the best, renting or getting an apartment? How difficult is the transfer process etc? Also opening a Business Account in Bulgaria, how easy is that? Will I be able to make international payments without difficulties?
Though we are British my wife lived in South Africa for over 30 years and we now live near Sevlievo. Good luck with your visa. Clive
Hi all of you - please join the South African in Bulgaria FB page -- we are trying to make a document specially for RSA's to move here - we are is Sofia, Estelle
Hi Estrou
I appreciate your post and addition to this heart warming thread.
I was born in CT, have been living in Europe and UK for 30 years and now seriously considering moving to Plovdiv, renting before I decide where to buy.
I'd welcome getting together with SAs, having a braai, sharing some laughs and mutual support.
I'm brand new to this site as of 10 mins ago, just beginning to explore my way around it.
I look forward to receiving your reply.
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