
Moving to Paris

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Hi, I'm moving to Paris by the end of summer for work. I'm looking for tips and advice on where to stay in this big city which I've only visited shortly 2 times in the past.

I would like to know more about the quite areas, if there are any nature or parks in the city? Would you get a car to get to work etc?

All feedback are welcome!

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I will move your message to Paris specific forum where you'll get more chances to receive interesting replies. !)


Merci :)



I just registered on the site and I am in the same situation.  I accepted a position in Paris starting at the end of August, and it looks like we are looking for the same type of advices.
Maybe we could share?
Thank you


As for where to move, it all depends on your budget, there are quite a lot of parks in Paris and two very big ones on the east and west end of the city (Bois de Boulogne and Vincennes).

As for the car, you won't need one if you live intramuros and work intramuros (and in many oof the suburban areas).  It's still quite nice to have a car to get out of the city but be warn that fees for underground garages are unsually around 100e per month.


Bonjour a tous, hello to all,

I also will go to Paris in the middle of september... and also I will have to sleep somewhere - could you please, FeeAcer, paste here the link to "Paris specific forum" you mentioned? :)

Merci beaucoup,


Just be prepared with lots of patience, explanations and official financial documentations. Appartment's owners are not easy to deal with if they even want to talk to you once they find out you do not currently have some of the "French" documents they are requesting.  Some do not even want to discuss the possibility of you showing them documents from your company or from another country provinggood credit and adding to your credibility.

Bon courage!


If you're going to work for a big company you might want to ask them for tips. Flat hunting in Paris is a PAIN - I'm fron Paris :)
Owners will ask you for hundreds of documents such as payslip, contract ... be prepared !

The good thing is that the public transport is pretty good and not too expensive (although it's packed during peak hours) so you don't need a car.

I'd be more than happy to answer any question :)


Hi Plastrudolf! In wich city do you will work? In paris or in Parisian suburb, If you work in Paris you don't need car because they are a lots of subways and buses, and drive in Paris is stressful because of the trafic! If you live in a close suburb you don't need car as well. There is all you need in Paris, parks, nightclubs restaurants etc... except sea and montains. If you have more questions feel free to ask me. Bye bye


Totally agree, you don't need a car if you live inside (intramuros) Paris. The thing is you don't need a car if you have a tube, rer, bus station not far from your place.
If you don't have one, it does not matter if you are close or far from where you are going to work. You will need a car.

ps: but i don't think it is going to be a problem. Find a flat is the worst. !!

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