Looking for a Job in Germany (Cliche I know)

Yes. Like some others I have seen on this website, I too am looking to work in Germany. So many doors seem to be open for others yet not for some. Depends on job experience, military, nationality and sometimes who you know.

Any advice I can get to make to find the job to make the move would be terrific. I have experience in working with youth and some experience teaching English. I also have experience in training and working with Liberian refugees in Ghana and Korean students in Korea. My German knowledge is conversational, and I have a MA in Intercultural Studies. I'm willing to do almost anything that I am qualified for and would receive a salary until I can further advance my goals once established in the country.

BTW-I'm an American living in the U.S.

Thanks for all of your time and assistance.

Hi brunnerlauren,

Do note that the Jobs in Germany section is at your entire disposal, feel free to drop your job request there, it may give you a boost. :)

Thank you,

Expat.com team

Thank you for your reply Priscilla.

Have you tried searching the various online job boards?
With "I can do anything", I am afraid it will be difficult. Employers need/want to be convinced that they need you and only you. I recommend you focus on your specific skills, look for an industry to fit and contact companies there.

First learn German bitte :)

I do know it, but it's tough to become fluent without living over there. Hence the catch 22 (need to know it to live there, but need to live there to learn it)
Thanks for the message.

Not sure if this could meet your needs--it is only my experience. Since you are an American you might consider going to a U.S. military installation American Red Cross office and signing up to volunteer. Many times jobs are obtained by first volunteering. Then you will know of upcoming jobs, and those hiring will know you. As an added benefit often these jobs give you post/base privileges. In my experience, I have known many people who have obtained work this way..Good luck.