Why I don`t get a job?

karanova wrote:

Ha! :joking:  John,you`re just great!Great right...

Hi Kara, :)

Thank you for your kind words.  :heart:

Yes, I am great in the forum.  Just wait until you meet me in person.  :cool:

Please stop chasing after stupid jobs. Leave Turkish employers with their sorrow, and you just take care of your joy.
Buy a yacht and start sailing around the world!   :top:

Hi Kara. I am Suzana and i am angolan. I want you to give me some information about Turkey, is it possible?


Well,John,if I could afford to buy a yacht,or had someone to buy it for me,I`d never look for a job...

karanova wrote:


Well,John,if I could afford to buy a yacht,or had someone to buy it for me,I`d never look for a job...

Why can't you afford it?
That's the BIG question.  ;)

Hi Kara, :)

Can you see yourself running your own business from home?  :/

You put up a web site helping expats come to Bulgaria (and even Turkey).
Public relations & employment agency.

You speak Bulgarian & everyday English enough for starting a business.
Plus, you are lucky to have a supporting husband, something which buys you time to think about being self-employed rather than chasing after jobs which cannot be found ...
Yes, you can start this week-end ...

I can e-mail you a template business plan which will give you estimative costs for such business(es).
These are businesses which you can learn as you progress.  No great science is required.

Today all you need is web presence, reliable Internet access (main account + back-up account), a nice spouse and the will to succeed:top:

because you need to have a connection with people that's my personal opinion ..

enigminds wrote:

because you need to have a connection with people that's my personal opinion ..

Hi Eni, :)

Kara cannot connect with people and she cannot get a job because she, among other reasons, cannot speak Turkish.
And she cannot speak Turkish because she cannot get a job.

The only way out of this vicious circle is for her to do something which is easy and natural to do.

She will start her business where there will also be pain, but the pain from her own business will be sweet compared with the pain of chasing after jobs.  :D

Learn some turkish .
Dont always apply big job ,  try to get your first (small level ) job  in turkey .  once you enter in the industry you can make conections  and get your final desired job.
There are others famous sites then one you mention  so make you cv there [PROPER CV].
kariyer.net   http://www.kariyer.net/
elemanonline   http://www.elemanonline.com.tr/http://www.eleman.net/

kariyer.net is famous one.

Your CV must be attractive. you have to show more then what you are ;).( because  a foriegner is costly to company , they have pay extra tax).

By the way i  also wait 3 month :) got first call then.