
work visit vissa

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how many days taken saudi work visit aproved,plz reply

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how many days taken saudi work visit aproved,plz reply



Do you mean endorse for approve.. If so, endorsement of visa in India at the Saudi Consulate takes three working days.. Make it max one week.. No later.. If your agent is delaying, then there is some problem with his work..

If you meant work visa approve like in your company gets a new visa, then usually big companies have visa's with their agent in India.. Its like they advice the agent to collect your passport and endorse any one of the visa's which they are holding with the agent..

I hope this answer your query..


new work visit vissa taken saudi arabia ,how long time


I came here on Engineering Visa with 90 days validity. I tried to register with saudi council of engineering but process not done. I decided to fly out from Kingdom before my visa get expiry. Do i need any paper or documents from my sponsor or i can fly with my passport with visa entry
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