
Finding a hunting dog puppy for sale

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Hello all,
I'm looking to buy a gun-dog in Varna area, does anyone know where I can find a breeder?

Kind regards
Tony W

See also

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Hi tonyworth,

I suggest you to post a classified in the Varna pets classifieds section. It may helps :)

Thank you,

Priscilla Team


pls see message


Hi Tonyworth, We took in a hunter dog from an English guy, its nearly a year old now hes big and very fast hes a little underweight even though he gets 2 good meals a day, so may need worming again, he loves to run... and catching any small mammals would be no problem for him.  Just thought id let you know, I have not advertised him or put him up for re-homing but if someone has a job for him to do he would absolutely love it ! so let me know if you want to see a pic of him.  He is a Lurcher and has Pointer in him too.

Best Regards.


Hello Vidin,

Please send a photo of him to

He sounds good and of course I will have him fully checked by a vet, worming and injections too, if I take him in.

At this stage I will look at the photos and get back to you.

Thanks for your time, take care


Hi Tony
He has had all his vaccinations so doesn't need any more :)
He just needs his weight sorted out and currently im giving him porridge oats cooked with tasty gravy in the mornings topped on Bread, and in the eves he has dried dog food but it seems not to be working... anyway im still trying lol... ile get some pictures taken tomorrow. :) Asking for 150 levs for him. Regards.x


Looking forward to the pictures.

Best regards
Tony W



I have written an email to you as we are not looking for any money for ours and is the same age, a good weight and a very well trained dog. If you did not recieve it, then do let me know. Thank you.


Hello again, Yes I have your emails, I replied too, please check your personal email, let me know if you received them. As for money I'm willing to pay up to 900 leva for the right gun-dog puppy, ie a pointer, lab, springer ect with the right papers. My first choice would be a two-three month old springer or lab, the perfect age for training. But failing that a well trained older dog. I did ask in my first posting for a breeder of gun-dogs in the Varna area there seems to be none, therefore my other choice would be to bring one over from home (England). At this early stage I don't rule out any choice's. I'm not looking for a pet dog, (I'm married and she is my pet! , Ha Ha )it's a working gun-dog I need for the hunt, specifically bred for the job. It is possible a cross-bred if both parents are gun-dogs to be useful, however it's rare, thats why I'm cautious in my approach, I don't want to be landed with a white elephant free or otherwise.  Thank you for all the help so far.


Hello tonyworth,

Probably there are mаny breeders of hunting dogs in Varna регион. Check the adds, I tried aнd immeadiately got 4 results:
* yagdterrier - 100 lv., Waymar - 700 lw., Drathaar - 70 lw. and Bulgarian hunting dog - 80 lw.

the keywords for your search should be "ловно куче Варна" ... google translate also helps, sometimes.



Wonderfull! Thank you very much for this info! Its just what I was looking for.

I'll try! and let you know how I get on. Once again thanks.

Kind regards
Tony W


Our lurcher dog is not trained but could catch anything quickly as hes a fast runner and turns on a sixpence, don't know what he would do though if he heard guns going off lol.  Im not sure if I really want to re-home him, im currently thinking about it.


Yes of course do please think it though.

Tony W


Hello Nickie, Si etc, I have found what I am looking for thanks to Kristiann, a black lab puppy who is 5 weeks old has all the pedigree for the hunt, I will receive him very soon thanks for all your help.
Tony W


Glad to hear you've found a dog.. but I wouldn't have thought that lab's are fast enough to catch anything such as Rabbits etc as they aren't anywhere near fast enough and cannot do the turns to catch say a Rabbit..Labs aren't hunting dogs but more couch potatoes :) but good luck for the future.



The labs are retrievers, they are docile, they are bred this way, they will bring the dead birds to you in their soft mouths. I hunt for birds with a shotgun and sometimes shoot the occasional rabbit or hare, which would be shot 'dead' so I need only a retriever. A lab is a good choice for this so is a springer too, the latter often flushes out game to be shot as well as retrieving. Then, at home he will be a good companion on the couch with my two year old grandson, they will have fun together playing 'Snap' perhaps.....
Tony W

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