Top hiring sectors in Zanzibar


let's talk about job opportunities in Zanzibar.

What are the top hiring sectors?

And according to you, what are the most promising job sectors, which will keep creating jobs in Zanzibar?

Thanks in advance for sharing your experience,


I am Looking for an opportunity in Zanzabir. Can I get information?


Hi sriv,

It seems that you don't have answers to these questions. Why don't you start a new topic with your questions?

Thank you.
Christine team

Christene thanks.

Make it as question.

To me in Zanzibar it is good to invest in business which improve Tourism, like Hotels and Transportation, in Hotels, people, tourists, can sleep, eat, drink and you can also employ local traditional musicians or artists (from Zanzibar) to entertain your customers in the hotel, in transportation you can do transport business by buying Boats or flights inoder to easy transport to Zanzibar more for both locals and tourists, evening selling traditional clothes, food, artistic works, utensils done by people of Zanzibar is a good business, it gives more income to local people and attract tourists  more

@Naggy - thank you for the sharing of information :)

In terms of job opportunities you can apply through CONSDEPZA Zanzibar also if you can establish a business with a local partner it can be much much lots easier for you in Zanzibar.

Hi shara222,

Thank you for your contribution.

However, can you please elaborate on your posting if you have other information about the job opportunities?

Thank you,

Hasnaa Team