Looking for a job/eco-tourism partners

Hi Zanzibar!! My name is Saul, from Spain. I am an academic economist. I've been assistant professor at the University and consultant at the Inter-American Development Bank, Washington DC. I'm very interested in environmental issues, biodiversity and natural resources. I have also been a massage therapist and yoga teacher. I am looking for a job where I can fit or partners to set up a small eco-tourism project, respectful to the environment and local culture and population.
Thank you!!

Hello Saul. :)

Do not hesitate to post an advert in the Jobs in Zanzibar section.

If you are seeking for partners, the Looking for section (Business partners) in the Zanzibar classifieds is at your disposal as well. You can post an advert there.

Thank you,

Hi Saul, I am environmentalist and community development worker at Kendwa Zanzibar, I am in the contract for six months now, what I am trying to develop in Kendwa community is eco tourism business for community, however , I think you might have a room to build partnership with community and that will sound fantastic to people of Zanzibar and tourists as well, we can sit down and plan how this can be developed , right now community is in the process of growing organic vegetable on their coral rag land in order to sell to hotels in Kendwa, we have birds watching programme on the way, sea turtle conservation needs to be planned, handcraft work by women has just started with the help of volunteers from Sweden, my number if you need to talk to me is +255778883306 email me alternatively. sharakhamis@yahoo.co.uk

"Boola" Zanziba! I'm Ilisoni Ravula.

I'am seeking for eco-tourism parteners.  If anyone is interest in eco-tourism partenership?  I'm  offering a partenership to anyone who may want to help minimise Climate Changes and develop a friendly, safe, heart thrill Tourism destination.
I'm willing to discuss the term of partenership to anyone interested.

Please dont hasitate to intouch with me my Mobile No# (679) 9568651. Email : stop.metco@gmail.com.

Thank you.

Ilisoni  Ravula.

Hi Ilisoni,

I suggest you to post your advert in the Business partners classifieds in Zanzibar section, this might be helpful.

Thank you,


Hi Zanzibar!!
My name is shail from India. I am  having Post Graduation in Management  (Marketing&Finance) with Law Degree I've been in the field of Real Estate from Last 10 years. I'm very  much interested working Zanzibar or Tanzania .I am looking for a job where I can use my experience and skill of Management 
Thank you!!

Hi Saul,

Are you still interested in HELPING ZANZIBAR?

Hi Shara Khamis,

How are you???