
Moving to Argentina and the dollar situation

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Hello everyone!

I'll soon be headed to Argentina to get certified to teach English (certification class will be in Buenos Aires, but I'd like to teach in Rosario I think).

I know that dollars are extremely hard to get and that the government doesn't like it when people return from Uruguay with a ton of dollars. Since I'll be arriving on a flight from the US, will there be any sort of restriction of how many dollars I can bring?

Thanks to anyone with any insight!


See also

Opening a bank account in ArgentinaThe 'Argentinian way' to payOpening an account from overseasHow can I send money to Philippines?Taking Money Out of Argentina

hi Katie
You can bring in up to no restriction 10,000 us. The point is that you will have to convert them at the official rate which is 5,80 $ for what you get in the black market at 8,60 $.
So what I would do in your place is to bring some basic amount for getting started here [let us say 2,000 and negotiate with someone here interested in trading and send money abroad. That is my suggestion. Cheers


Hi Katie

Im currently in Buenos Aires and start teaching English next week. Do you have a job yet? I am also not completely sold on working in BA as its such a chaotic city. Do you know of jobs in Rosario?



Hello Tracy -> I suggest you to start a new thread on the Buenos Aires forum with your questions on jobs. This will allow better interaction. :)

Thank you,


Thanks for the responses!

Tracy, I don't have a job yet since I haven't started my course, but I am going to scope out the situation in Rosario before I start my course. I agree with you about BA--it's a cool city but maybe too fast-paced for me.


hi Katie

You can bring in without restriction, per person up to 5,000 usd cash. You simply declare it at customs area.


The supposed USD5,000 limit is a familiar misunderstanding and is found on several other websites but in common with most other countries, you may enter or leave Argentina with up to USD10,000 without declaring it. You may bring in or take out more than USD10K but it must be declared or if it is discovered you may be fined or have the money confiscated. If you are carrying ten thousand or less you do not need to declare it and are entitled to carry it with you. See the Argentine government's own website (in English) with links to the actual law (in Spanish)

If you are carrying USD10,000 or less, it is very unwise to volunteer to mention it to anybody let alone a customs official. A lot of robbers have "spotters" at customs desks and bank lobbies etc and will phone your description ahead. If you are carrying more than USD10,000 and are legally obliged to declare it, you would be well advised not to travel on your own and to have planned in advance how to get from the airport to your destination. Do not accept a spontaneous offer of a cheap taxi ride - they probably already know who you are.


PMd you


Hi Katie,
I understand that the dollar limit you can bring can't exceed 10,000 USD.

Anne Lorca

Hi! Im fron Buenos Aires. The dollar siuation is really difficult but not to enter to Argentina!!! You´r coming from the USA. You can came and have a big quantity ... it´s not a problem.
Un extranjero puede ingresar al país con la cantidad de dólares que desee. Pero al salir, sólo puede llevar US 10 mil.
Esa es la restricción. La cantidad de dinero que se puede sacar del país.
Por otro lado, está prohibido comprar moneda extranjera en todo el territorio nacional.
Espero haberte ayudado!
Buen viaje!


Hi Anne Lorca !

As this is the anglophone forum could you please post in English?


Loving Ecuador

Cuales son las restricciones actuales para la salida de divisas en Argentina? hay un tope minimo sin penas ni restricciones? Agradecere alguien me aclare. Gracias.


Hi Loving Ecuador,

Please note that this thread is quite old.

Can you write in english only on this anglophone forum please? :)

Thank you,

Priscilla team

Loving Ecuador

Solo queria saber ya que represento inversionistas globales en bienes raices residenciales y comerciales en la costa Ecuatoriana. El tema es que una cantidad importante de empresarios y compradores de bienes son argentinos que se mudan aqui a la playa. No tiene importancia si es un foro viejo, ya que cualquiera puede actualizarlo en cualquier momento y en base a las regulaciones actuales.
Agradecere compartir info con gente en el tema. Gracias.

I understand the forum is not updated and is in english. Re how old it is, anyone can update it anytime, and re the language used, I am purposely targeting spanish speaking folks.
I am a consultant in global real estate investments in the Ecuadorian coast, and the number of argentine entrepreneurs and buyers have increased dramatically in the last year. Some face some challenges moving their funds into Ecuador from Argentina. Thank you.


Hi Loving Ecuador,

Of course a thread can be updated anytime, but i think that you will obtain more responses if the topic was new. In fact it will give better visibility to your questions if you can restart a new topic in english on the Buenos Aires forum. It is only an advice. ;)

However, as you are also targeting spanish speaking members, I invite you to post in the Buenos Aires hispanic forum please. :)

I hope that you will soon get the information that you are looking for.

Thank you and have a nice day,

Priscilla team

Loving Ecuador

Wonderful. Thanks for redirecting me to the Argentina Hispanic Forum!
And thanks for your kind words about finding the info I look for. I really hope it works as so farI am under the impression that Argentinians are not very much into forums... The people we have assisted came to us directly, so I need that luck!
Thanks Priscilla.

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