
I am looking for a good real estate agent or someone that I can trust

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Hi, I am looking for a good real estate agent or someone that I can trust to help me find a place to buy in Buenos Aires!! I am hoping that this person can speak english and has my interests to heart!! If anyone can recommend someone good that would be great!!
Thanks so much!!

See also

Buying property in Buenos AiresAccommodation in Buenos AiresTemporary rents some tips that may helpPopular neighbourhoods in Buenos AiresPlaces to live in Argentina

Hello Rod.

Welcome to! :)

You can take a look at this page : Real estate in Buenos Aires.

This article on Accommodation in Argentina could help as well.

Thank you,


Hi Rod,

Welcome to!

For your accommodation search, i would suggest you to have a look at the housing in Buenos Aires section and post an advert there as well. It might help you.

All the best,

Amy Moore

We are also wanting the same thing. Please pass on a good reference if you come across one. Thanks

Lauraine S

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Juan Carlos Moscato

Ok Rod, we already knew ourselves.
But if someone else need some suggestion in Buenos Aires, I can help them.


Hi Rod

Think very carefully about buying a place. My advice is don't.

It is difficult to get yr money into Argentina and a lot more difficult to get it out. You will get taxed a large amount when you sell if you do not have a DNI.

Try not to think that things are the same as in your country....that sounds obvious but is hard to do.

Be sure you want to stay in Argentina.

Okay enough of my hard earned advice. I have an Argentine friend who speaks English and is an Accountant. I am sure that she can help you, or put you in touch with her Real Estate contacts.
If you are interested send me a private message and I will get back to you.

Good luck!


Lauraine S

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