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Hi everyone :)
I am russian, grew up in germany and lives the last 5 years in the Caribbean. I do tattoos for living, in the Caribbean I aswell worked in Tourism as tour guide and translator. I speak fluent English, Russian, German and Spanish. At  the moment I am back in Germany to be with my family for a while, but I dont like germany at all so I really would like to leave around the end of february. My two options are Amsterdam and Belgrade, just because I love both countries and the people there.

So if anyone knows anything about Jobs in Belgrade-Tourism, let me know! As well Bar jobs or anything like that. I would really love to spend a few years in Serbia so any Advice or information will be apreciatet !!!!

Hvala :)

See also

Living in Serbia: the expat guidei want to find part-time job in belgradopinions on a new potential businessStart a business in Serbia*** Work in Belgrade***

Hvala, please don't quote me, Fox Tours is doing well, once you are in Belgrade please contact me. This is the mail for the chief contact at Fox.


Hello Olga.M.D..

You should post an advert in the Jobs in Belgrade section. It could help. :)

Thank you,


Igor Stojanović

If you need accommodation for start i rent a flat in Belgrade, or can help you with finding the right one.


That's cool, do you have a phone number I can call ?

Igor Stojanović

+38163202048 Cell


you're funny ! hvala for the number.. and if I call, you've got a job for me or what??? :)

Igor Stojanović

Dill asked for a cell :) I can help with a flat, for bar job you will have no problems in Belgrade, i can fix you some meatings with the owners.


hi!!! from cameroon
i need to know where can i post my visa appication to go in serbia cause we dont have any embassy in cameroon

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