
Hello french speakers..

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Im seeking for native french speakers whose willing to have conversation with to improve my french language..

See also

Living in Abu Dhabi: the expat guideNew in AUH...Struggling To Meet New People...Then Read This!!!ADEK approvalDiscrepancy between contract & actual role givenBritish Expats in Abu Dhabi

Hi jazz.jane,

Welcome to! :)

Could you please give us a little introduction about yourself?

Thank you,


Salut a tous!
je suis suis Philippine.Je travaille a Abu Dhabi.Je veux d,avoir les conversation avec vous les suis debutante la francais.Pouvez vous aider sil vous plait?


Hello jazz.jane. :)

So as to make it more visible, your post has been moved to the Abu Dhabi forum.

As this is an Anglophone forum, we should continue communicating in english so that everybody can understand.

We have an existing Francophone forum where you can participate in french. Do not hesitate to start a new thread there. ;)

Thank you,


jazz.jane wrote:

Salut a tous!
je suis suis Philippine.Je travaille a Abu Dhabi.Je veux d,avoir les conversation avec vous les suis debutante la francais.Pouvez vous aider sil vous plait?

bonsoir Jazz,

Je suis Adil, marocain residant a Dubai, on peut avoir des discussions en francais si tu venu a Dubai ! avec plaisire !

a tout a l'heur




Please you should write in English in this English speaking forum. Thank you.


ok no problem, so where can i meet to you for some courses..


hi, i just learn your message yes i can do this for you, call me if you want more information 0507612304


welcome to expat

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