
almost bought a house :) but no net

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I came over to buy a house somewhere in Bg.
Found my area and possibly the house. Slight problem that due to its mountain position it may not be possible to have internet.
It has a sat dish.
Anyone have good coverage in the mountains with satellite and who would you recommend?
I cannot see going thru the winter netless.

See also

Phones and Internet in BulgariaHow to watch British tv live ?TV streamingMobile phone plans in BulgariaBulgaria Starlink service

Hi Biff,

Internet access and speed is generally excellent in Bulgaria probably amongst the best in the world. Now, for your specific area/location it may require some more detailed research what is and what is not possible. Satellite may be an option albeit expensive.


Thank you.
My future neighbour has a sat dish.
I heard that Vivacom do a sat internet service so that may be the way to go.
It all depends on the buy scheduled for tomorrow.
Fingers crossed.


Was it successfull did you buy


as of today i have a house in bg!
cannot wait.
so will pack up here and hope to be there in 2 weeks.



Where abouts is the house i have a lot of experience in Bulgaria so may be able to give you some contacts especialy if its around Veliko turnovo region.


Elena, beautiful Elena.
Where are you based? Are you fulltime?


No im not full time there but i lived there 1 year at the longest single period. I can not afford to retire yet.

Im proficient in the language though and i have owned a few properties and done building/landscaping work in the ex pat community.

So im just generaly interested dont worry im not poaching for work. Im busy here in the UK.

Elena is beautifull ive heard but i never actualy went myself. I have property in the region around Lovech.

There is a resevoir reasonable nearby my house though. Called Alexander Stamboliski.

Do you do much fishing


Fish, no, but would like to hunt if allowed a gun.
Need to get there soon to stock up for winter.
Major prob is getting my RHD VW over there as never driven on wrong side. Don't mind trying in Bg - actually a necessity where I will live - but thru Europe? No way.
Maybe ring J Clarkson.


Well if you were not going right away you could probable find someone to travel with you.
I might be able to find someone to drive it for you actualy.

You would need to pay them though thats the only problem.


interested, very interested depending on cost.
vw golf full of clothes n pots n pans n stuff.
let me know if at all possible.


Ok well i work as a security guard in London 3 nights a week and work pays for my digs. The guest house has mostly Bulgarian staff and im sure they could get time off work as they seem overstaffed.
I can ask them next weekend its not something ive thought about before so dont know price. I imagine you would need to pay his easyjet or wizz air flight back home.
And pay him about 200 quid

So its going to cost around 300 quid i would of thought but maybe he will do it cheaper i dont know im just guessing

Anyway im not a wide boy at the weekend i will ask his skype address and you can talk to them direct.
My skype is russell.gorman remind me about it so i do not forget.


thank you, russell.
talk soon.
airfare and cash but not too much is good.
how long would it take, do you know?


no idea how long mate because im like you too scared to drive on the continent especialy Eastern europe

Just give me a notice the weekend on skype if you want me to ask them

heather wilson

Hi not sure were you was thinking of buying but i bought in a small village outside ruse called karan vurbovka and you can get internet there no problem


Yes, internet can be a real pain if you are not in the coverage area of either 3G services or a village network, or DSL via a home phone.  The only big service provider who has satellite internet option is Vivacom I think. Pretty certain that MTEL does not have.

There are quite a few international companies that are in the satellite internet business but tend to be way too expensive for domestic use.

Great living in the more remote areas but comes at a price I guess.

Regards.  Tony


I've driven through Romania and Bulgaria, all around Turkey and back through Greece, Italy and France. After six thousand miles, mainly in Eastern Europe we were hit by a Belgian truck as we left the Dover Ferry Terminal. There are actually some advantages to being on the inside while driving strange roads. The only real disadvantage is overtaking or turning right on roads with poor visibility.

Remember the roads in Eastern Europe are very much quieter than those in the west and if you use the direct route through Germany, Austria and Hungary the western European roads ad far better than any you'll drive in the UK.

The thought of driving on the wrong side can be quite intimidating but you'll be surprised how quickly it becomes second nature. You will have to drive at some point in Bulgaria so the journey over could be a gentle introduction. Allow yourself  week for the journey and you won't go wrong.

Consider also that you will have no knowledge of the skill, experience and safety of an expensive driver. Not only will you need to pay his airfare, you'll also need to feed and accommodate him on the journey. If he gets £200 on top of that you are talking at least £500 for his or her services.


don't forget fuel either - and ferry charges. Driving to BG is not a cheap option these days.

As for the hunting - to get a gun license is complex and you would (I'm told) have to join a hunting club and take a test (in Bulgarian) to possibly get a license. Even then it is only organised hunts and no hunters on their own allowed. And of course you can only hunt within the correct season.

Good luck with your new home and well done on your purchase.


What's the fuss about driving. Bulgaria is an easy country to drive in and the drivers are unusually polite. Problems are the bad road surfaces and its often unnerving to say "radar" warning signs but with no clear indication of the speed limit. But on the whole much easier than most other European countries


I drove from Uk to Bulgaria last year to bring some kit over to my apartment in Nesebur. I done it in three days, the roads were perfect all the way through to Bulgaria, that's where the problems start, most of them are very poor, full of pot holes and generally poorly maintained. As for Bulgarian drivers, most of them drive too close to the car in front of them and too fast, a lot of them are very impatient and won't wait for a clear overtaking space they just pull out and hope they miss everything coming the other way.

I am thinking of driving out to Bulgaria again next year as I intend to retire here so I will sell my RHD car in UK and maybe buy a LHD car and drive here. When I drove out here I did find it quite an experience but loved every minute of it, I am 64 and did not find it that difficult driving a RHD car on LHD roads the only times I had to remind myself of the fact was when I pulled off the road for fuel or a break, my satnav also reminded me as well. I would say give it a go, take your time and enjoy the experience of the x eastern block states. They have just finished a new road from Sofia out to the Black sea coast courtesy of the EU so can't wait to try that.:))


I can see that driving RHD here could be a little more challenging.  Funnily BG is the only European country where you can legally register a RHD drive car - so I'm told. So you can buy surplus from the UK second hand market very cheaply.
Pot holes yes - maybe even worse than Detroit but a lot less traffic and international standard road signs


In all European Union countries law is the same. You can drive and register any car (RHD or LHD)in any European country as long as the car is coming from another European country.


Sorry I must have been misinformed. I didn't bother to check my facts - the last RHD car I owned was ( I think) an Austin 1100/1300

In any case, I strongly recommend driving the right car for the right "rule of road" , according to the country you are in. It's much safer for everyone.

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