Let`s go Stuttgart - Crazy, wonderful day of skiing/snowboarding 10.03
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A day of skiing/snowboarding or just pure fun in beautiful Kühtal, Austria! 10.03.12. Who can resist such pleasure?
- Stuttgart to Kühtal in the comfort of a modern coach leaving at 6am from Stuttgart on the 10.03.12.
- We turn up about 11 am then ski, snowboard or hang out until the lifts shut.
- Then the party starts with a DJ and big blasting speakers in front of bus (saw these guys in Austria the other day sure looked impressive).
- Later on there will be night skiing or Toboggan (sledge) riding on offer.
- Last but not least the very merry ride back to Stuttgart!
Hello Everyone,
Feeling the need for snow, sun and fun? The need for speed, or a relaxing and comfortable ride with breathtaking views and a happy expat skiing or boarding at your side - then look no further! Do not delay for an amazing day in Kühtai, Austria (2000 2500 meters)!
So how does it work? This is a help yourself kind of BIY (book it yourself) ski day trip You look and then you book!
Remember if you are not skiing or snowboarding, but sledging in the evening you only have to pay 50 Euros (!!!), but remember to note this reason in the bank payment.
Link to Cruise`n`Ride:
Sounds so much fun ...Much awaited skiing event finally
Lanchester I am def in & will book myself (BIY)..will check with you, in case I am lost.
Hey Siri_hari,
You are coming? This is fantastic news! That makes you the first to jump on Mad Max`s bus ride to Kühtai - Welcome aboard!

Lanchester, you are just the Best what else can i say?
I've already booked, looking forward to a great event with you guys!!!
Das ist " Tolle "
@Calator : Lanchester & myself , spoke about you & there you are..
All I am reminded of, right now is a song from Flo Rida & Avici
both say : " I get a good feeling "
Well, well, well? Who do we have here?
Calator, this is fantastic news! It is terrific that you are in on this wonderfuly crazy trip to Kühtai! Yes, Sri_hari and I were just in conversation hoping you would come along and here it is.
I have a feeling this is going to be one exciting Expat.com party with a lot of great people, so come on guys, if you can ski or can`t ski - can snowboard or can`t snowboard - this is about having fun, enjoying the day and having a party. We will chat, laugh and perhaps dance in front of that crazy bus while Mr DJ plays us some beats. It may go down in the record books as one of the best and that is really something :-)
@Lanchester : This Morning woke up to the dream that you've turned blonde & partied all night..I hope you had a good Rosen monttag
btw regarding the skiing , yeah you made a good point about Ski or non SKI goers. I cant consider myself a beginner, as I never even got started. But then I will try my bit for the day , pose for the camera (as if I'm a pro ) & party all evening . So yeah with all the people joining in the fun, should be a good one .
My goodness gracious me, Siri_hari,
I hope you had a good Rosemontag too. You know, I had a similar Rosemontag dream with you dressed as a dancing chicken. This is surreal! I think our dreams are trying to tell us something about the skiing trip. Some kind of symbolisation of coming events perhaps?
Hi Siri_hari,
How are you? That chicken dream I have been having is becoming more vivid. Last night it was I doing the funky chicken dance with ski boots on. I am not superstitious, but do you think I should be worried?
As I told Lanchester earlier, it's an offer one could not refuse. Brilliant initiative I must say!
I just booked a spot as well. Looking forward to it, been ages since I haven't skied.
cooo--coo--cooo(Morning) Lanchester,
LOL...don't you worry about your dream..Its a promising sign to say 'Lets get this party started'..I guess it will be one of the best ..btw Just to confirm I have booked my slot too
David_M : feels great you are joining too )
David_m, welcome aboard Mad Max`s crazy bus ride to snow covered Kühtai! I am so delighted I nearly choked on my food as I read this. I can see the snowball effect, you might bring to this event, as it grows bigger and brighter!
Sari_hari, You have committed, fantastic, you know I new you would! Thanks for the advice on my dreams; I will keep you informed about any major developments in the run up to the Kühtai trip.
@Lanchester : going back to your dream , as long you don't see any of us laying eggs, I really think we are pretty much set to have a awesome time.. wat say
Hari & Lanchester - I am jealous of this man love I feel from the both of you that's emanating from this very thread. I just hope this is taken to the next level as it rightly should at this excellent ski event.
I await with bated breath for stories of man love / man passion & generally melodramatic man romance which I am sure Lanchester would be only too willing to tell us. I am just sorry that I will not be going to be able to witness this first-hand myself as I do enjoy a good romcom.
Have a wonderful time & rememeber there are other men (and it seems only men so ladies get in there quick) on this trip so don't just have eyes for each other
Hula Girl,
you leave me lost for words! When you put pen to paper the effect can be mesmerising. Well maybe Siri_hari and I do love each other and just don`t know it. We can perhaps learn a lot from you. I can only take this as a complement, Thanks Hula Girl! I see it in the sense that men love women and (unless they have gay tendencies that are perfectly OK in my opinion, but Siri_hari and I seem to lack) that men bond with each other. Talk of bonding makes men feel better about the whole thing and saves general confusion and panic.
Very sorry to hear you cannot make it to Kühtai, but there will be a seat on Mad Max`s bus for you, if you can work things out differently.
@Hula_girl...LOL, interesting observation....do you wanna add to the spice by joining us , that would be something to talk about, wat say
on a serious note, it would been even more fun, if you decide to join us. after all your the popular expat remember & Reigning ski champion (as per the last edition of News of the world ) .
Back from London Lanc convinced me...I come: booked
Hi Matt, this is wonderful and I am so over the moon! Seems that Hula Girl actually may have real reason to be jealous, this is looking like one major bonding session.
However, I do believe that this bonding session is in no way restricted to men as all Expat.com fans alike are able to participate in the glorious pleasures of true bonding (but please lets keep this clean!). Mad Max still has free seats, so come on jump on the Bus and let the party begin!
Hi Bennison123,
Thanks for you post. Sorry to hear you can`t make it. However I look forward to seeing you at another event soon.
Hi Siri_hari,
How are you? I do of course hope had a very good start to the week!
Well, how about that? All this love talk from Hula Girl, very strong words indeed! A Hula Girl posting is always a huge pleasure for her fiercely loyal fans, especially when she posts a hot topic like the one above. It gives them something to chew on and a few will have their eyebrows raised and heads cocked.
Well Hula Girl might be able to spell a four-letter word, but does she know what love is? Does she appreciate the love her Stuttgarter fans share with her? Does she read their loving fan mail with the respect and understanding they deserve? Answering each and every letter individually in handwriting, taking the time to lick the stamp and carrying them to the post office? Does she know that love written backwards is spelt evol with absolutely no meaning at all in the English language? Does she? I don`t know the answer to these questions, Siri_hari
but I suspect it might be the case.
Befitting Lanchester .. Yeh, if only Hula_girl cared for her fans, she would have def joined the skiing event. But then, have to respect her schedule too, tough to be a popular expat .
off topic though : I always wondered, what would hula_girl name her Ski's & poles (knowing she like to personalize her Mac, cellphone etc..)
Solly & Sam - Skis
Polly & Pam - Poles
Sadly, they will not be meeting any new friends this March but sometime soon perhaps.
.. you denied your skis from new friends , sad indeed
Imagine solly & polly meeting roly & poly (hoping to name my skis) ...LOL...wouldn't that be fun
Hey Hula Girl,
What about the ski boots? Baby Boo one and two?
Look, if the name is not taken I might use it myself.
Hi Everyone,
I had the question where is the best place to hire equipment here or in Kühtai?
Well, it might be easier to hire in Kühtai. That way if something does not fit you can change it right away. Those of you taking part in the night skiing / snowboarding arrangements can be made to keep the equipment during the evening.
saves the hassle & responsibility of hiring from stuttgart..
sounds perfect ...thanks for the update Lanchester
Morning Siri_hari,
You are very gifted at bring out the best in Hula Girl, well look, that is what the fans have been telling me and I have to agree. How wonderful it is that you both took the time to give your skis and poles a name each. Hang on a minute
Why no name for the boots? Now I am onto something
this really baffles me, I always thought that the boots are more important than the poles. The boots are warm and comfortable (with some exceptions) and give a feeling of security. They respond immediately to subtle body movements. You can ski without poles, but not without boots, right? You both have a much stronger personal attachment to your poles than I do. I suppose some people ski more with their boots and others more with their poles. I believe there is not right or wrong, Siri_hari, it is just a question of style, love for the sport and subtle differences in the way we choose to ski.
Morning Lanchester,
poles indeed are my favourites. They are needed for my style of skiing. Just to let you know, the first time I was on snow, I realised , I am a worthy snow-crawling & snow-sliding champ.
Everytime I go down, I need to getup & need my poles .
Sorry Guys..ill be in Berlin that weekend !!!
Hi Waroon,
You have wonderful time in Berlin, sounds like fun as well!
Look Siri_hari,
You might think of yourself as a beginner, but from what I hear (and this is not just from one source) you are world-class material. Perhaps if you give yourself the time you need to evolve into a world class skier, your strength might be in the use of your poles and perhaps so much so that the boots and maybe the skis become secondary or even irrelevant. That would give your competitors something to talk about, Ha! Perhaps I am overly focused on my boots? Often people around me fall silent and start rolling their eyes in disbelief. I am only human, Siri_hari, I have my self-doubts like anybody else, but when I ski my boots are my world and I love them.
Morning Lanchester, Thanks for the words of encouragement, sure with time spent you only get better. As they say with time spent , I may pick licking to boots,until then I stick to my poles, wat say.
on a lighter note :
I once saw somebody wear ski boots and a helmet onto a plane when they were hassled about having too much carry-on baggage.
As he kept bumping into others accidentally..
all he had to do is: Apologize and say "dude, that's why I wear a helmet & my shoes when I fly."
Hi Siri_hari,
The guy you mention in the plane with helmet and boots on, I can totally understand his situation, he must have been feeling insecure and out of place, finding himself unable to apologise to his fellow passengers.
Thanks for bringing up this topic! Now you have mentioned something that I think a lot of Expat.com fans have been waiting for; The Helmet. I have not heard a word from Hula Girl on this. Do you think she is hiding something from her fans?
The helmet takes the back seat these days when it comes to protection - it is much more than that. We are not living in the Stone Age anymore, of course we aren`t. So what is it that makes a helmet so striking? It`s not just about style, flamboyancy and a presentation of excellence. The helmet shows the true personality of a skier or snowboarder alike. If you really like a person or not is often a subconscious decision that is made in just a single moment. So of course this kind of split second decision can often depend solely on the on the helmet we are wearing. Are you thinking what I am thinking? Wow! So a tip to any Expat.com fans out there is if you are thinking of coming get expert advice on what type of helmet suits your personality and your special needs.
Hi Siri_hari,
How are you today? Look, there is something I have been just itching to ask you all week and did not get around to. Austrian Food! It is quite similar to what is eaten here in the region (of course depending on which perspective you take; from Stuttgart or looking down from planet mars). Do you have any plans on what you will be eating on the big day or are you going to wait and see what`s takes your fancy? What might be a big favourite from a few Expat.com fans is Kaiserschmarrn (cut-up and sugared pancake with raisins). I do love this one, but it is not a main dish for every day of the week, I am sure I don`t have to explain why, Ha! A very simple and traditional favourite of mine is Apfelstrudel, I expect I don`t stand alone here. As you know, Siri_hari, I like to eat healthy food, but on the big day I might just let my hair down, or I would be letting it down if it was long enough, but I am sure you get my drift.
I'm really interested in this trip but can anyone tell me what we do for skiing equipment, clothes etc? Do we have to get our home before the trip?
Hi Brooklinebabe,
Good to see you back on the blog! As you might remember I mentioned on the blog that it is probably best to get the skiing / snowboarding equipment there and that we should be able to use it in the evening too, if we sort this out with them on the day.
Don´t want to ski? No Problem, you could take a hike or relax enjoying the beauty of it all during the day. As of 5pm you can rent out a toboggan for just 5 Euros, the organiser told me a lot of people will be doing this. For each ride up the mountain you pay 4 Euros. The ride down is long with 2,5 km. If you don`t want to ski you only need to pay 50 Euro, but please note you are only sledge riding when you make the payment so they know why you payed less.
As for skiing clothes? You will have to organise that on you own. However Helmets can be rented out.
When to book? Like I said a.s.p.. I talked to the organiser and there are a lot of people on this trip, but there are still enough seats free. The best thing is to try and book by the end of the weekend to be sure of a place.
@Lanchester : Morning . As you know, since I don't need to deal with the hair part.. I fancy anything new & exciting..I've had apfelstrudel before , but fancy kaiserschmarrn.. but I'm game for new tastes in my Vegan boundaries
.. As such pancakes are def my favourites
@brooklinebabe : Hey , you can rent the ski equipment from http://www.intersportrent.com/skirental-kuehtai (I doubt about the clothes though).
clothes are def something I've been thinking about
Update on where to hire your material:
Please guys if you are going to hire in advance (and save 10%) only here at Sport-Seppl (see link below) for the simple reason that is where we turn up and you can give the equiptment back at 10pm (this is not the norm!). They have said there will enough equiptment on the big day, there is no need to book in advance.
http://www.sport-seppl.at/standorte/kue … chaeft.php
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