
Anyone here had a baby in Malta?

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I was just wondering (I am not pregnant) but at some point in the future I would like to have another baby and of course I assume that will be in Malta and I like to be prepared!

Anyway I wondered what sort of pregnancy care etc are available. I have googled this but can't find much information. Main things I am wanting to know are...Do I have to pay to give birth and if so how much? Do you get scans etc during pregnancy? Here I had one at 7 weeks to confirm, 12 weeks, 20 weeks, 32 and 36 weeks as he was thought to be a biggie :0) Are there gender scans? Is 14 weeks the maximum maternity leave I could take?

Any info would be great.


See also

The healthcare system in MaltaAccidents and emergencies in MaltaPregnancy in MaltaHealth insurance in MaltaMedicine Pathway to Practice job Without Residency in Malta

I am currently 15 weeks pregnant, so I cant answer all of your questions yet, but I can answer some now.
Ante natal care and delivery care are free, if you are European. Things are easier if you have an ID card. Im not sure about all the laws and regulations though!
Using the government health service, there are no scans or ante natal appointments until you reach 20 weeks. If you are high risk or have had previous pregnancy problems, you will need to be referred (from GP or private consultant) to be seen earlier.
Visits to St James Hospital to see private consultants are not expensive compared to the UK, around 40 euros includng scan. I am having dual care- seeing a consultant privately every 4 weeks and then attending Mater Dei for the 20 weeks scan, 34 week check  and delivery. From a few people that I have spoken too, a lot of women choose the same ante natal care as me. Even if you choose to deliver at St James, if there are complications during labour, then you would be transfered to Mater Dei anyway.
I have no idea about maternity leave!


I had a baby in Gozo, with a I.D card this was enough for everything to  be free. Scans are very regular, but in Gozo the eqipment is quite old, no chance of gender scans.. I got mine done on a visit to the uk. I was told only 4d scans were available in malta private.
Also here there was no option of epidural during labour, I was told they give it only in extreme cases in Malta.
But I found I was looked after extremely well, bearing in mind this was gozo where it is a lot quieter.


Ah, no epidural? I read St James offer epidural? I would pay if I had to for it. I had an 18hr labour and couldn't take gas and air but I managed to get to 7cm on Paracetamol, tried morphine at this stage but it didn't help. It was the epidural that I ended up needing with an assisted delivery in the end. Please someone confirm I can get an epidural if I need it?


I have no idea about the availabilty of epidurals, but one of my friends had a c=section so I am now wondering what sort of pain relief she had?! I will find out! As for the 4d scans, I am booked to have a free one at Mater Dei in April. Im assuming its free as nobody mentioned anything about me paying for it?! The scan is for medical reasons, so maybe it is deemed as necessary rather than optional. I am having a scan at St James tomorrow and it maybe a bit early but I was hoping they would be able to tell me the gender. Maybe I will have to book a flight back to the UK to find out too!
I would also like to point out that there appears to be no screening tests for downs syndrome. I have asked several medical staff about this and I keep getting the same reply- there is no abortion in Malta, therefore they do not screen for downs. I have repeatedly replied that its not a question of the availability of abortion, its about knowing beforehand to be able to prepare oneself emotionally and get as much support ready as possible. This way of thinking seems to fall on deaf ears though!


Damsel wrote:

I have asked several medical staff about this and I keep getting the same reply- there is no abortion in Malta, therefore they do not screen for downs. I have repeatedly replied that its not a question of the availability of abortion, its about knowing beforehand to be able to prepare oneself emotionally and get as much support ready as possible. This way of thinking seems to fall on deaf ears though!

I suspect its to prevent mothers-to-be finding out, and if downs spotted, the mother going abroad to have an abortion. Given there have been some calls from both MPs and the church to stop pregnant mothers going overseas just in case they were going to have an abortion, it wouldn't surprise me.

Good luck:)


I had two epidurals' one for when my son was born c-section and it was good (do not move your head after you come through), and for my operation of two years ago:)


Just thought I would let you know exactly how much it cost me today for a private ante-natal hospital appointment. Cost included consultation, blood pressure taken, routine urine test, and ultrasound scan = 40euros. Bargain compared to the UK!!

Advised to be seen, scanned and checked every 4 weeks. Not sure if that is the norm for private ante-natal care, or if its coz of my medical history.


Yes that is the price of a private clinic and sometimes more!. I opted for an epidural and my son was born in Gozo six years ago and is Down syndrome so they check a 4D scan and your gynae deals with these things well mine did:). All children are a blessing:) Gozo is quiet as the lady said and they are very nice and helpful....I felt at home and like in a hotel:), since I hate hospitals:))


Today i went  to Saint James Hospital because i had a miscarriage in november and now i am pregnant again.
I am 6 week pregnant, is very early, so they made me an internal ultrasound, i have seen his/her heart :D

The gynecologist told me to come back in 5 weeks for a Nuchal translucency screening, it is an early, noninvasive option for parents concerned about genetic disorders.

The cost was 96€...more expensive that i waiting for...but, the doctor has been fantastic

Congratulations for all future mum.

Please, excuse my bad english

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