
is it possible to be lawyer in sweden even if iam egyptian??

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ahmed elazzazy

hello friends its me ahmed el azzazy:) am studyin law in the last year its few monthes before i finish my study and i want to continue my study in sweden specially i love thes country i heard that it may take like 8 years to study law there but is it will apply to me even i studied the egyptian law      so the right question can be do i need to start studying law from the begining to be lawyer if its posible to be and how long does it will take from the begining    or i just need to study differences between sedeish law and egyptian law       

and is it easy to get student visa to study or complicated like some other countries

i will be very very thankful to find someone help about that:)

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Study in GothenburgKey facts for international students in SwedenStudying in StockholmStudent life in StockholmPre-school day care
The Dippylomat esq

Do you speak Swedish? I am no lawyer, but I dare say the legal system here is VERY different to the one in Egypt.

ahmed elazzazy

egyptian legal system like copy of the french system but with little differences

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