
US work contract and L1 visa

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Hello everybody,

My firm will apply to get a visa L1 for me to move from Switzerland to Ohio.

In the contract, they write that they can end the relationship with the employee (in that case, me) at any time with or without reason and notice.

I'm french and don't really like this paragraph in the contract.

Do you know from your experience, if it's possible in the US to get a contract with 3months notice in case you get fired?

Because if not, that means if I get fired, the L1 visa is cancelled and I have to leave US soil ASAP and that means I have to sell the car, the furnitures and other staff ASAP:/

Another question is: when you move to US, what kind of issues do you face up? Would be nice if i can be aware. For example  with banks, credit for a car or renting a flat.

If you have any questions about Switzerland or Zurich, please do not hesitate.


See also

Obtaining Permanent Residency in the U.S.Types of visas offered by the USEntrepreneur visa in the USWork visas in the USAComing to America
Olivier de Montréal

Salut Trinity

Tu sais, le marché du travail est beaucoup plus fluide qu'en Europe, en Amérique du Nord. On peut trouver et perdre un travail du jour au lendemain. C'est comme ça.
En revanche, si tu travailles bien, il n'y a pas de raison que ton patron perde son temps à te changer, à former quelqu'un d'autre, etc...

C'est juste une autre manière de fonctionner.


Hey Trinity,
Am also in the US, you can very easily get fired here and there is not much you can do...just like Olivier is saying...However there are a few things you can do to protect yourself:

What type of L1 do you have (L1A or L1B)?
With an  L1A, you can get a green card within 6 months, (2 to 5 years with an H1B)...once you have a green card you work wherever you want.

Also there are a few tricks when you get to the US to get a car, build your "credit history)...etc

Feel free to ask any question, I'be glad to help you



My husband & I moved to NY based on a job offer, 3 months later they cancelled the contract. They had offered him reviews, and promised payrises. He saved all his emails and managed to get some severance pay, not much but enough to pay the rent and tide us over until he got a new job.
I did meet someone who lost a job & then her visa ,so beware it can happen.

We decided that we would use the opportunity to get over here and take it from there...nearly a year later & we're still here.




Even if the contract stipulates immediate dismissal (they probably will not change it because it is a part of visa-regulations) ask in a separate letter for clarification whether you will receive a 1-2 month notice if you would get fired.

Whether you like it or not, I really don't think anyone will care...either you take it or leave it. That's how they view it. You would appear very arrogant as a brand new employee to make demands from the start.

And be PREPARED to work overtime without extra pay. Almost everyone does it. If you don't, don't move there. I used to spend about 2-3 hours every day in overtime without ever getting extra pay. You add that up after 10 years and see how much money they should owe you in European ways of looking at things...! It was expected of me to show 'dedication' to my work and is a standard expectation in the american work etos. A friend of mine sometimes work 6 hours overtime in one day without any severance pay.


what is the scope in the Retail banking line job opportunity in Ohio am looking for change and location right now am in the United Arab emirates in the banking line since 2006 to till date am looking for good friends also from Ohio if anyone interested so pls email to me at


Hello dubai_ali,

Concerning the job, you can post an advert in the Ohio classifieds, job section.

To find new friends maybe you could create a discussion on the Ohio forum.



Dear Rouma Thank u so much for ur kind information.
by the way where u from? if u have any question regarding the united Arab emirate U.A.E so let me know or without hesitation email me at

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