Saturday 15th .... aperitivo, some drinks, party, anyone what to join?

Hello Everyone!!

I've just moved to Milan for working two weeks ago. This is going to be my first free weekend after a long long week working and I would like to go out somewhere and meet new people.

Is there anyone interested? Any suggestion? I can't even suggest any place... :)


Welcome to Laura!


Hey Laura,

Did you have a good weekend? Well, I'm in the same situation as you are. I'm new in Milan, working for a subsidiary of my company in Germany for 5 months. Unfortunately, my colleagues seem to be to old for any kind of "party weekend". I'd like to meet some people to discover the city of Milan and its nightlife. Would you be interested? Or anybody else? :)

I think I will get depressive sooner or later if I have to spend all my 5 months here on my own... :rolleyes:

Hi Marleenchen!!

I really understand how you's not everything about working, but don't worry you will meet people. I'm not here this weekend, what about, next week?
