
Living Aboard in PR

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Hi All; 

Ken Hulme, currently in Venice, FL.  I've lived aboard a boat before, here in the States and elsewhere, and I'm looking for information/help with building a "houseboat" there and living aboard "on the hook".

I'm due to retire soon and would like to get a little further away (again) from things.  Since I have no mega retirement fund, and I'm not a corporate thief with a platinum parachute, I need to have a cheap "house" over my head to be able to live on my $700 a month Social Insecurity check.

My solution is a live aboard boat, more or less a houseboat, but one I construct myself.  Something 24-36 ft long by 8 ft wide on a scow-type hull.  I've done it before and am willing to do it again.  I know what it takes to make the Coasties happy as far as sewage, water, electric, fuel safety, etc. etc. 

What I DON'T want to do is park this puppy in a mega-bucks marina in between rich plastic play toys.  I want to live out "on the hook" - park up among the mangroves along the southwest coast maybe, or tied up a few miles up one of the rivers under a shady tree.  In other words - no monthly rent or house payment.    The boat I can build for about $6000 including a couple grand for 'hi tech' composting toilet, electricals, computer links, etc. 

What I'm looking for is someone(s) who knows the local boating regs, possible locations I could go to, contacts with helpful locals, etc.


See also

Living in Puerto Rico: the expat guidegetting contractorsQueen bed set for freeLocal music venuesElectric Vehicle Excise Tax for Shipping from the US to PR

Hi Ken,

It's going to be difficult or maybe even impossible, I think.

This island has so many rules and even more inflexible government employees. Getting a permit for anything is a royal pain the butt, even more if you're not a local.

I know of some houseboats in the Southwest (Guanica, Lajas) but that's about it. You may want to contact those municipalities and start your inquiries.

Good luck.


Thanx Gary;  that's a place to start anyway.


Greetings know what...go for it!!nothing is impossible. It' simple do some research as to which authorities to contact in regards to the required permits that you need to further your goal of living in the Island.....don't let anyone, I mean no one discourage you. I am a native myself currently living in the US, and I tell you that reality is that if you was to struggle, you are going to struggle anywhere you go. So, "food for thought" GO FOR IT!!!

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