Buy a house

I have a 10 year lichna carta that i got 2 years before Brexit so do i need a company to buy a house?


Good question! I think that with a permanent residence card, you should be able to buy in your personal name. And when I checked with my attorney, he agreed. However, others disagree (including my property agent, BulgarianProperties). So I recently asked when I was visiting local notaries: the Razlog one said I wouldn't need a company, but the Kazanlak one said I would.

It seems to be a bit of a confused situation between the "non-EU citizens need a company to buy land or a house" and "permanent residents should have equal rights with Bulgarian citizens, except for voting". So you can either check in advance with the notary who will be handling your transaction, or you can plan on a company to be on the safe side.

@gwynj Thanks for taking the trouble to reply..seems confusion reigns, In will check with my local Notary and see what he says