Live with my German girlfriend in Germany

Hello, I have a girlfriend who lives in Germany and has German nationality, we plan to get married except that I live in Cameroon and I have Cameroonian nationality.. I would like to know I would like to know what to do so that I can join her there to be able to live our love. I am a computer science student and I would like to know all the information concerning my case. THANKS

After marrying, you can get a family reunion visa to join her in Germany.

(Marrying a foreigner in Germany is very difficult. If your country is also not possible, consider places with lighter rules, like Denmark, Singapore or Las Vegas.)

One of the requirements for the visa is German language at A1 level, so you may want to start attending classes now. (You need it anyway to live or even more to find a job in Germany!)

The embassy probably also wants proof that yours is not a "marriage of convenience" (i.e. for the sole purpose of getting a visa, which is of course illegal). Thus be prepared to submit evidence of time you spent together (visits, holidays, etc.) and that the relationship is real.

for school then, is there a solution to live at home and study?

@ABDOURAMANmouchi I do not understand what you mean. Do you want to study German while staying in your home country? If so, contact the Goethe Institute (German cultural mission) or the embassy in your country.

I also don't understand exactly what is being asked. For the family reunion visa one needs the A1 German exam. If the idea is to continue a university degree in Germany then there are a couple of factors. Is there even an English taught program offered in the city where you would intend to live. One needs a high C1 level of German top do a German taught program, which the majority are. Are your academic accomplishments until now even recognized by the ANABIN system? If not, then it might be a much better idea to complete your studies where you are before planning to migrate to Germany. 

I would add that sometimes a hardship exemption is made for a foreign spouse showing the A1 German exam before getting the visa IF there are no language schools or reasonable possibilities to properly learn it where they are from. It then has to be completed within the first year of arrival in Germany. What officials don't want is to have either people completely lost with navigating life due to a total lack of German - or to hear endless excuses why they could not learn it once in Germany. As the poster claimed to be in university, then there should be adequate opportunities to learn basic German.

for school then, is there a solution to live at home and study?

I think you are asking whether there is an online option for the German A1 course that is needed for the visa.

This will depend on the language schools in your country.

I know that the Goethe Institute in several Asian countries offer online learning, only the exam will have to be sat at the Goethe Institute premises which may involve travel and booking accommodation. Do contact them and ask about their courses and/or visit their web site.

I also know that often, independent (cheaper) language schools will offer prep courses for the Goethe A1 exam but keep in mind that the Goethe Institute is the authority that administers the exam, not random schools with no or unverifiable formal qualifications.


Hello ABDOURAMANmouchi

I have a partnership in Germany, we're NOT MARRIED. We plan that I move to him. Although I have French nationality (I don't need a visum for EU countries), I have to learn German, too. I went last year to Freiburg/Germany with my partner and did 3 months crash courses at Goethe Institut. Afterthen, I received online intense course. I'm learning in Papeete with materials now. I do everyday Skyping with my partner.

My experiences are: without medium level in German, it's very difficult to live in Germany and to plan a long way stay there.

At Rue Mballa Eloumden, 1077 Yaoundé, there is a Goethe Institut. The courses are quite expensive. I have Cameroon native friends, they learn a bit rapid German. They agree: the country was German spoken, 90 years ago. Is it true? Abdouraman, may I ask you, where is your girl friend's locality in German's Bundesland?

@Etoilefilant As a French national, you can freely move to Germany without visa, so no partner or language skills required. Of course the language helps in daily life - and there are basically no job chances without it.


It's so clear, that I'm EU member, so no visa.

I tell about German learning: the Cameroon gay Abdouramanmouchi looks for a German course. It's possible to occur a course in his country, and then he has to perform it online. That's all.

It's a thumb.