Work Permit on Dependant visa with Old Tb Scar

@Ml Gaming we are on the same page waiting for my sponsored visa to be approved after the cancellation of my employment visa, The agency that i applied for my sponsor visa says they have not tried for some one who had already done the eye scan, its been a week and my application is still pending.

Dear friends, Has anyone encountered the opportunity to lift a tb ban through the purchase of real estate? and obtaining an investment visa. thx a lot

A friend tried. Didn't work.  The problem is that you do all the investment to get to the visa process which is when you find out what happens. My friend actually had property so he tried anyway after leaving.

@XTang thx dear for reply, so only one  way - make family viza under husban, and after can i buy flat in uae?  i want to back and stay there for living . what real option?

@XTang maybe your friend need to make viza for wife or for parent and back under sponsor viza

Get dependant visa. Only thing that works for sure.

@comingtodubai after the regular medical screen ( xray and blood sample) I expected that I won't be fit. They called my sponsor (my husband) that I need to return for some additional medical ( sputum test) for 2 consecutive days. The 1st sputum was negative. The result come out on my 2nd test. The 2nd sputum will take 42days for the result. But don't worry if you worried the over stay. They will give you paper to give to the immigration for fine. In my case I did not over stay before the result come out. It was negative. You need the visa of your husband passport and EId and your attested marriage certificate and also the translated marriage contract I submit all of that. After 2-3 working days they called to my husband to get the certificate to proceed to process my residence visa. I had to pay for additional for opening my file because its more than a month. I finish all the process for just 1 day. 1 thing if you get the certificate you need your sponsor to be with you. Because he needs to sign some documents. After a week I got my EMirates ID delivered.

@I have tb history back in 2007 and got treated for 1 year, went here in dubai 2018 and applied for residence visa in 2019 got my medical result unfit due to old scars, i undergo sputum test and skin test it was negative got my medical result fit, now the issue is after my cancellation with my old visa last dec 2022, 8 after i applied for investors visa and this time i got my medical result unfit again due to my old scars, went to some private doctors to undergo sputum test result is negative then the doctor consult me to a follow up and undergo a doctor from government hospital, question is if i got my medical result from government hospital all negative id there again a big change to show it to DHA and get a fit medical result? Please enlighten me


Where can I read the law?

The guidelines on the official government website.  The full law, in the official gazette in arabic only.

@Ml Gaming can u please confirm if u allowed to work on husband visa for old scars?

@Ml Gaming is labour contract received on husband sponsorship for old tb scar if applied by employer?