Employment (jobs)

Would you mind informing me whether it is possible for me to get a job in Reunion, please.

If it's possible, kindly advise me and also age limit.

Hello Shanmugam87,

Please note that Expat.com is not a recruitment agency, so we are not able to find you a job.

What do you do for a living? What is your profession?

You can create your CV in the section Jobs in Reunion Island.1f609.svg



Expat.com team

Hello sir good evening I am an Indian I want to go  in your country I am Indian my name is( Raghunath Shee) my age 37 years I professional Jewellery totally 20 years experience gold Jewellery working handmed( chain) (braslet) (ring) (necklace) (earrings) and (bangel) and( reaper) I am currently in Mauritius My request is can I get a job I request you to let me know your valuable decision very soon thank you very much?



Please note that the member is himself looking for a job. How can he find you a job ?

Follow Cheryl's advice and create your CV in the Jobs section please




You need to create your CV by following the few steps required : https://www.expat.com/en/jobs/africa/re … ml?offer=0