Income from property in the Netherlands

Hi everyone,

While doing some research about purchasing a property in the Nerherlands, which I plan to rent out, I have come across that, there is an obligation to pay taxes in The Netherlands earned from property located within the country. The complication here is, I reside, work and pay taxes outside of The Netherlands (Switzerland, to be exact). I have tried to find information on this but it's dodgy to find, so I'm asking here to see if anyone has experience with this: Is it true that I have to declare, and pay taxes in The Netherlands, on income generated by my Dutch property?

Thank you all in advance for your guidance.

Welcome on board 🤗

I think it might be correct that you have to pay taxes on the income generated by your property in the Netherlands where you work and live abroad.

Best advice is to contact the Belastingdienst for the most updated and correct information.

Good luck 🤞

I'm not a tax advisor; my advice if anybody has complicated tax matters is to speak to a tax advisor and the Belastingdienst, who give a number for people who live outside the Netherlands to contact them at +31 555 385 385.

From what I have found on the Internet.  Income from the rent derived from any property you don't live in is classed as Box 3 in the Dutch tax system; a quick look on the internet tells me that translates to "5.69% over your total asset value, irrespective if any actual gains are higher or lower."; they then tax that number at a rate of 31%.  If it were me, based on that information and the fact that property prices in the Netherlands are ridiculous, I'd be looking elsewhere.

How you pay your taxes is between you and the Belastingdienst, you can ask them when you phone them.

Thank you for your answers. I will give them a quick call to figure it out with them. @Cynic, for a person who is not a tax advisor you're excellently informed so thank you for that piece of information! It is indeed looking difficult to invest in real estate in The Netherlands given what I have been seeing so far.

Thank you so much again!