Job offers in Manama

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Latest job offers in Manama
Added on 25/08/2024
BHD 1600
BI engineer
Vam systems
Fixed-term contract
Added on 16/08/2024
BHD 1500
Everything you need to know to work in Manama
Working in Manama
The opportunities for employment in Bahrain are wide-ranging, although, in recent years, there have been changes in the opportunities available. Bahrain's capital, Manama, has corporate offices, a regional finance centre, a number of luxury hotels, and several large shopping malls amongst its employment prospects.
Starting a business in Bahrain
According to the World Bank Group report for 2019, Bahrain lies 3rd out of 20 nations, for ease of doing business in the Middle East and North Africa region (MENA), and 62nd out of 190 countries worldwide. Bahrain's strong financial services sector and readily available multicultural workforce make it an ideal location for a new enterprise to serve the region and beyond.
All about Jobs and Work in Bahrain
How can I find a job in Bahrain?
Doing Business in the GCC. A Simple Guide to the ...
The GCC is an area which carries many stereotypes and myths. Before doing business in the Middle East it is imperative to learn about areas such as business culture, business etiquette, meeting protocol and negotiation techniques.  Through such knowledge stereotypes are broken and barriers to communication reduced.
Working in Bahrain
Bahrain is a popular country with expats from all over the world, consistently ranking in surveys as one of the top ten places to work as an expat. It offers many highly skilled jobs, good quality of life, and no personal income taxes to pay. The following is an overview of how to find work in Bahrain as an expat.
GIS engineer
Vam systems
Permanent contract
Added on 14/08/2024
BHD 600
DevOps engineer
Vam systems
Permanent contract
Added on 13/08/2024
BHD 600
Added on 01/08/2024
Added on 01/08/2024
Added on 01/08/2024
Added on 01/08/2024
BHD 1200
Added on 28/07/2024
EUR 50
Live in housemaid/nanny
Fixed-term contract
Added on 10/07/2024
BHD 200
Added on 26/06/2024
Added on 12/01/2024
BHD 130
Job candidates in Manama
Added on 28/09/2024
USD 6000
Added on 05/08/2024
INR 80000
Added on 24/06/2024
Added on 10/06/2024
USD 1000
Added on 31/05/2024
BHD 1200
Added on 10/05/2024
USD 200
Office assistant/receptionist
Perpet Rodriques
Permanent contract
Added on 14/03/2024
BHD 500
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