Transports in Zurich

Getting around Zurich
Updated 2019-08-19 08:54

Congratulations! You have got a job offer in Zurich and have found accommodation in the city. Whats next? Looking into ways to commute to work! In Zurich, there are many different options available. You do not have to live very close to your workplace if thats your choice, as the public transportation system here is very reliable. From driving, biking to taking public transport, there must be a way that suits your needs, even in the weekends for leisure.

Public transportation in Zurich

Whether you are travelling within the city or commuting from a nearby city, there is absolutely no problem in taking public transport to go anywhere. In Zurich, when it comes to public transportation, most people commute by trams, buses or S-Bahn (short distance trains connecting to suburban areas and neighbouring cities). However, if you would like to go from one side of the lake to the other, you could also travel by boat, although it may take a bit longer. If you will be travelling every day by public transport, it would be better that you take a monthly subscription from the ZVV based on your needs. It will help you save a lot of money if you do use the public transportation system frequently. If you only occasionally travel to work by public transport, you may get the half-fare card of SBB, which will entitle you to buy half-priced tickets for trains and eligible public transportation systems, not only in Zurich but also in the whole of Switzerland.

Biking in Zurich

Depending on where you live and your way to work, you may want to bike to work. In Zurich, it is not rare to see people who do this. In fact, a lot of Swiss companies encourage their employees to use 'soft mobility' options, such as biking to work or using public transport. According to official statistics, two-thirds of the inhabitants in Zurich have a bicycle. As more and more people choose to bike to work, the city, many office buildings and company headquarters have also built facilities for bikers. For instance, there is a big parking for bikes next to the Zurich main station. You can park your bike there for 2 CHF a day. If you come from a bit further away, you could also combine public transportation with biking. For example, you could take an S-Bahn from the place you live to the Zurich main station, then bike from there to your office.

Driving in Zurich

For personal reasons, you may prefer driving, especially if you live far away from the city centre, or in places where the public transportation network is not fully developed. Depending on the location of your office, it may not be a good idea to drive to and from work every day due to heavy traffic in the city and on nearby highways.

The Swiss train company, SBB, has different solutions for people who would like to drive. You could, for example, use P Rail, which allows you to drive to the train station, park your car there and hop on a train. Alternatively, you could also try using the SBB Green Class, which is a new environmentally friendly solution from SBB for those who would like to drive.

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