This week’s news at a glance

Expat news
Published on 2021-08-12 at 16:58 by Liza Bonne
COVID-19 cases keep rising, the Johnson & Johnson vaccine made available, pilot project allowing cannabis culture in Mauritius and much more in the news at a glance...

Update COVID-19

More than 250 cases of COVID-19 were identified on Thursday, August 12, 2021 in Mauritius. This brings the number of active cases on the island to 5,219. Of the cases recorded this week, the majority remain asymptomatic and have been asked to self-isolate.

Other news on the pandemic front, the Janssen vaccine from Johnson & Johnson laboratories has appeared. Indeed, since Thursday August 12, several centers across the island now provide the Janssen. AstraZeneca, Sinopharm and Sputnik V vaccines are also available and vaccination is open to everyone.

New avenues: The Cannabis Industry

The authorities have given the green light: hemp (cannabis sativa) will be cultivated in Mauritius. This is a first in the country as the sale and consumption of cannabis is still illegal in the country. The Food and Agricultural Research Extension Institute (FAREI) will oversee this project. The plant can be used in making clothes, but the seed can be used to feed birds and oil can also be extracted from this seed. The authorities hope that this new avenue will give a boost to the Mauritian economy.

Tourism resumes

We are not yet in the heyday of Mauritian tourism, but the opening of borders is already bearing fruit. In July 2021, 1,242 tourists set foot on Mauritian soil. Since the start of the year, nearly 5,000 tourists have visited the island according to a Statistics Mauritius report. The body expects about 300,000 tourists to visit the island before the end of the year.