"Minn bwi": Best spots for this Mauritian dish by excellence

  • mine bouilli sizzling
Published on 2021-01-18 at 10:55
The "minn bwi", with its Chinese, Indian and Creole influences, is a bit of a testament to Mauritian multiculturality. The dish is essentially boiled noodles that can be accompanied by a plethora of sauces, curries and broths that are particularly rich in flavor, spicy and colorful. Here are a few of the best spots for a “minn bwi”.

Ajay Snack: Voted best “minn bwi” spot in 2020

The "minn bwi" is serious matter here. A Facebook group inviting users to share their best spots to enjoy this dish even had a vote to decide on the best “minn bwi” over the island. And Ajay Snack (Editor's note: in Mauritius a “snack” is an eatery usually much smaller than a restaurant and with much less sitting capacity) was voted best spot for “minn bwi” in 2020. A must-try!

Chef Shymi - The Art of Cooking

This little restaurant is found in Vacoas has definitely caught the attention of “minn bwi” lovers. Chef Shymi offers unusual “minn bwi” combinations even offering “minn bwi” with crab soup and meat or chicken salmi (Editor's note : a sauce made with tomatoes, wine and a variety of spice). This will cost you around Rs 125 for a “minn bwi”.

Robirosh Resto: Daring to be different?

Consider yourselves warned : Mauritians love culinary experiences. At Robirosh Resto, three brothers Robin, Bipin and Roshan have embarked on a crazy idea of ​​incorporating jamalacs into their “minn bwi” preparation. This Indonesian fruit that is fairly readily found on the island is a little like the traditional mango pickle Mauritians love accompanying several dishes with.. This restaurant is also located in Vacoas and also offers "minn bwi" with salted fish. Also good to note than vegetarian “minn bwis” also seemed to appeal to the connoisseurs!


If you're ever in St Pierre, a small village right by Moka, do try Mangouste's “minn bwi”. The small “snack” is found right on the border of St Pierre and Petit Verger village and offers a selection of sautéed greens, meat and chicken as “minn bwi” accompaniment. What's even more is you are able to enjoy a sizable meal for pretty cheap.

Blond Boulettes

Not a restaurant as per, more of a street food stall on Tamarin's public beach. This roulotte, as we call this type of infrastructure in Mauritius, is often crowded on week-ends as it is famous for its “minn bwi” with boulettes (Editor's note : dumplings) and tomato chutney. Again, you can enjoy a delicious meal without spending too much.

Ti Kouloir in Grand-Baie

Ti Kouloir's “minn bwi” is a hit! “Ti kouloir” literally means “small corridor” and its “minn bwi” performed incredibly well in the vote organized by the administrators of the Facebook group where users share their best “minn bwi” spots.

Coin Casse-Croute 

This minn bwi spot is famous for its minn bwi with clams or mangouak, a type of seafood which look a little like mussels. The restaurant is found in Mahebourg, but is usually crowded so we advise going either before or after lunchtime.

La Caza

Also in Mahébourg, La Caza, a small restaurant that offers hearty dishes and "minn bwi" that you can customize. If you want both chicken and crab soup, you can have both!

Bonto Wok

This little Beau-Bassin restaurant was a victim of its success. It became very famous on social media for its minn bwi with sizzling and it started getting overcrowded causing longer waiting times. But it is not any  less tasty and is still a must-try.

Le Bus snack

If you want to eat in an atypical setting, the Bus Snack is the place for you! It is located in Baie-du-Cap and offers tasty “minn bwi'' that you can enjoy while sitting… in a bus! It is the perfect stop if you are planning a road trip in the wild south!