Living in Atyrau as an expatriate

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Make your expat project in Atyrau successful

Located at the mouth of the Ural River, in Kazakhstan, Atyrau is a popular city with Western, Eastern and American expatriates. Considered as a new oil Eldorado, Atyrau is a modern and bustling port city. In fact, it hosts several international companies which provide professional opportunities to expatriates.

Atyrau is also famous for its casinos, hotels and huge shopping malls.


Find your dream job and take your career to an international level. Apply to the vacancies available.


7 months ago

Others - Teaching

7 months ago


Browse the Atyrau housing ads and find the perfect accommodation


3 days ago

1,000 USD

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Recommended services

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Greenback Expat Tax Services

Tax advisors

PVS Enterprises
237/5 , MLA Office Street , Radhapuram , Tirunelveli , Tamil Nadu , India , 627111, Atyrau

Internship Placement Agencies

Kurmangazy street,1a-117, Atyrau

Automotive repair services