Driving license in Kazakhstan

Hi all,

Can a foreigner take the driving test in Kazakhstan?

What are the formalities to get a driver's licence in Kazakhstan?

Do you need special or extra documents being an expatriate?

How much does it cost?

Thank you for participating ;).


Hi Armand,

The following link has information. The road police have a great website in English. You will see in this link that yes a foreigner can take the test and provisions can be made for translation. However, how easy it is to schedule this may differ from Oblast to Oblast, I am not sure.

http://zholpolice.kz/en/driverlicense/c … placement/

I drive on an international driving license and have had no problems. "The in­terna­ti­onal dri­ving li­cen­ses are va­lid for ste­ering ve­hic­les for Ka­zakh­stan Re­pub­lic ter­ri­tori­es." From the road police website.

Let me just caveat that by saying this. Once I got my international license I went to my local GAI (road police) station and asked to speak with the licensing department chief. (not the admin girl, or just an officer but the chief) I showed him the license and confirmed that it was okay. I got his name and the office phone number so if any police on the street questioned the license I could let them know that I had checked with the chief. I should also say that I speak Kazakh and some Russian so can explain this to any policeman.

In addition to the license when I drive I follow all the other applicable laws. I have insurance as well as the tax payment receipt and power of attorney letter because it is my wife's car.

Good Luck,

Thanks for your contribution kazpat!;)



Has the legislation changed in any way since 2012 regarding foreigners driving in Kazakhstan? I would like to buy and drive my own car in Kazakhstan - eastern region mainly. I have an international drivers permit. Do I need a local Kazakh drivers license as well?

@kazpat the link is in Russian, no English version when accesed from within expat.com


I am working in Karaganda for at least another year and interested in doing a spot of driving car / motorbike.

How did you get on with your search for drivers license? I have only seen the IDP which seems to be for tourists and valid for one year. You made any progress?



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Hi Ian,

You can use an International Driving Permit. You should however still keep your original driving license card on you, as well as passport. One of the other posts suggested that you also get a letter from the chief of police in Karaganda officially recognising your IDP as legal in Kazakhstan.

Also, if you want to buy a car, you cannot register it on your name, unless you have a Permanent Residence card. However, if you drive someone elses car, you need to be included in the Insurance.

I bought a car, got a trusted friend to register on his name, but I was included in the Insurance. Boom!
Driving around without any stress!